CloudDrafts » Introduction to CloudDrafts » Quick start » Create a project
Create a project
A CloudDrafts project is equivalent to a documentation set for one release.
A project is a high-level documentation folder. A project may have related projects that share content but it's mostly a documentation set of one or more guides that are specific to a product release. You create or upload content into a project, add members, update and collaborate on content, and publish it when you're ready.
In the CloudDrafts interface:
1. From the home page, click New Project.
2. Specify a name for the project.
This can be modified later.
3. Choose whether the project is public or not.
By default, public projects are visible (read-only) to everyone in your company who registers on CloudDrafts.
You might make departmental information a public project, so you can add files on training, overall schedules, supporting materials, licenses, etc. that everyone needs access to. Most projects will not be public.
4. Add a brief description of the project.
The description will help other users understand the purpose of the project. In addition, your description text will be indexed into the CloudDrafts search mechanism.
5. Select an image to associate with the project by clicking on the image to the left of the name.
Choose an image that will help you quickly find this project in the future. You can change this image later.
6. Click Add project.
You are now the project owner, with super rights that cannot be taken away from you except by yourself or a site admin.
The project is added to CloudDrafts and you see the project home page, where you can control everything from members to publishing.
Add members to your project.
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