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The chrow element is a container inside the choicetable element. The chrow element contains both a choption and chdesc element as a pair.
Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
- topic/strow task/chrow
Example 257. Example
<step><cmd>Then this</cmd>
<substep importance="optional"><cmd>which is done by doing this</cmd></substep>
<substep importance="required"><cmd>and then this.</cmd></substep>
<choptionhd>Do something</choptionhd>
<chdeschd>Or Else this</chdeschd>
<chrow><choption>Do this</choption>
<chdesc>and this will happen</chdesc></chrow>
<chrow><choption>Do that</choption>
<chdesc>and that will happen</chdesc></chrow>
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group and outputclass.