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The entry element defines a single cell in a table.
Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
- topic/entry
Example 103. Example
See table.
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group (without the Metadata attribute group), base and rev from the Metadata attribute group, outputclass, and the attributes defined below. This element also uses align, char, charoff, colsep, rowsep, and valign from the Complex-table attribute group.
Indicates whether the contents of the entry is rotated. While the attribute is declared with the XML data type CDATA, the only predefined values are:
The contents of the cell are rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise.
No rotation occurs.
See Using the -dita-use-conref-target value for more information.
If this attribute is not specified, no rotation occurs. In situations where a stylesheet or other formatting mechanism specifies table cell orientation, the rotate attribute can be ignored.
Specifies the column name in which an entry is found. The value is a reference to the colname attribute on the colspec element.
Specifies the first logical column that is included in a horizontal span. The value is a reference to the colname attribute on the colspec element.
Specifies the last logical column that is included in a horizontal span. The value is a reference to the colname attribute on the colspec element.
Specifies the number of additional rows to add in a vertical span.
The presence of the scope attribute indicates that the current entry is a header for the specified scope. Allowable values are:
The current entry is a header for all cells in the row.
The current entry is a header for all cells in the column.
The current entry is a header for all cells in the rows spanned by this entry.
The current entry is a header for all cells in the columns spanned by this entry.
Identifies one or more entry element headers that apply to its entry. The headers attribute contains an unordered set of unique space-separated tokens, each of which is an ID reference of an entry from the same table.