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The figgroup element is used primarily for specialization, in order to create segments within a figure. The element can nest itself, which allows it to create complex specialized structures (such as the nestable groups of syntax within a syntax diagram). Figure groups can be used to contain multiple cross-references, footnotes or keywords.
Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
- topic/figgroup
Example 69. Example
<title>Sample complex figure</title>
<title>First group</title>
<ph>These elements</ph>
<ph>are grouped together</ph>
<ph>for some purpose</ph>
<title>Second group</title>
<data name="MetaItem" value="13"/>
<data name="MetaThing" value="31"/>
<ph>These elements</ph>
<ph>are grouped with associated metadata</ph>
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group and outputclass.