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The lcAnswerOption2 element in an assessment interaction provides the content and feedback for a question option, and can indicate the correct option. This element replaces the lcAnswerOption element in DITA 1.2.
Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
+ topic/li learningInteractionBase2-d/li learning2-d/lcAnswerOption2
Example 521. Example

<!--Single select Interaction -->
<lcSingleSelect2 id="singleselect">
<lcInteractionLabel2>Multiple Choice - IEEE standards trivia</lcInteractionLabel2>
<lcQuestion2>Which one of the listed standards committees is responsible for
developing the token ring specification?</lcQuestion2>
<lcAnswerContent2>IEEE 802.3</lcAnswerContent2>
<lcFeedback2>Sorry. A little low.</lcFeedback2>
<lcAnswerContent2>IEEE 802.5</lcAnswerContent2>
<lcFeedback2>That's the one.</lcFeedback2>
<lcAnswerContent2>IEEE 802.6</lcAnswerContent2>
<lcFeedback2>Nope. Too high.</lcFeedback2>
<lcAnswerContent2>IEEE 802.11</lcAnswerContent2>
<lcFeedback2>Nope. Way too high.</lcFeedback2>
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group and outputclass.