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The lcAnswerOptionGroup2 element provides a container for the options for a true-false, single-select, or multiple-select assessment interaction. This element replaces the lcAnswerOptionGroup element in DITA 1.2.
Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
+ topic/ul learningInteractionBase2-d/ul learning2-d/lcAnswerOptionGroup2
Example 522. Example

<!--Single select Interaction -->
<lcSingleSelect2 id="singleselect">
<lcInteractionLabel2>Multiple Choice - IEEE standards trivia</lcInteractionLabel2>
<lcQuestion2>Which one of the listed standards committees is responsible for
developing the token ring specification?</lcQuestion2>
<lcAnswerContent2>IEEE 802.3</lcAnswerContent2>
<lcFeedback2>Sorry. A little low.</lcFeedback2>
<lcAnswerContent2>IEEE 802.5</lcAnswerContent2>
<lcFeedback2>That's the one.</lcFeedback2>
<lcAnswerContent2>IEEE 802.6</lcAnswerContent2>
<lcFeedback2>Nope. Too high.</lcFeedback2>
<lcAnswerContent2>IEEE 802.11</lcAnswerContent2>
<lcFeedback2>Nope. Way too high.</lcFeedback2>
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group and outputclass.