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The lcCorrectResponse2 element in an assessment interaction indicates a correct response. This element replaces the lcCorrectResponse element in DITA 1.2.
In a lcHotspot2 interaction, indicate the correct hotspot by setting the value attribute of lcCorrectResponse2 to the id of the "correct" area in the image map.
Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
+ topic/data learningInteractionBase2-d/data learning2-d/lcCorrectResponse2
Example 527. Example

<!--True - False Interaction -->
<lcInteractionLabel2>True - False sun rising</lcInteractionLabel2>
<lcQuestion2>On Earth, the sun rises in the West and sets in the East.</lcQuestion2>
<lcFeedbackIncorrect2>No, look to the East.</lcFeedbackIncorrect2>
<lcFeedbackCorrect2>Yes, look to the East.</lcFeedbackCorrect2>
Example 528. Example with the lcHotspot2 element
<!--Hotspot Interaction -->
<lcInteractionLabel2>Team logos hotspot</lcInteractionLabel2>
<lcQuestion2>Which of the following is the logo for the Minnesota Twins?</lcQuestion2>
<image href="hotlogos.gif"/>
<lcArea2 id="twins">
<lcCorrectResponse2 value="twins"/>
<lcArea2 id="giants">
<lcArea2 id="cardinals">
<lcArea2 id="orioles">
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group, outputclass, and the attributes defined below.
The name used to indicate this data. The default value for this attribute is "lcCorrectResponse2".
value (REQUIRED)
The value. In an lcHotspot2 interaction, set the value to the id corresponding to the correct area in the imagemap.