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The lcLearnStrat describes the manner in which the learning content will be instructed. This should be a high level design that applies instructional-design theories and models.
Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
- topic/p learningBase/p learningPlan/lcLearnStrat
Example 623. Example

<learningPlan id="learningPlanTest">
<title>Learning Plan</title>
<shortdesc>It's always good to provide a plan.
<lcLearnStrat>Lesson 5
consists of three SCOs, available from the LMS table of contents. The lesson
addresses teaching points that support the module objectives. </lcLearnStrat>
<lcPlanObjective>Learn the basics of SCORM.</lcPlanObjective>
module will have a final assessment with questions associated to the SCOs that
comprise the module. </lcAssessment>
<lcDelivery>The course may be presented by
land, by sea, and by air.</lcDelivery>
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group and outputclass.