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The lcProject provides learning content project plan description information.
Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
- topic/section learningBase/section learningPlan/lcProject
Example 648. Example

<learningPlan id="learningPlanTest">
<title>Learning Plan</title>
<shortdesc>It's always good to provide a plan.
<p>Joint work group
<title>Plan Title</title>
<p>Joint goals learning plan.
<title>Joint WG</title>
<title>Modification Date</title>
<title>Delivery Date</title>
<p>This course covers the goals of the Joint WG.
<title>Plan Description</title>
<p>The goal of the Joint WG module is to provide learners with a broad overview
of the Joint WG.
<p>This course assumes you have mastery of JWG 101 (Fundamentals of Joint
Workgroups) or the equivalent.
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group, outputclass, and spectitle.