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The lcSequence element was deprecated in DITA version 1.3. It was replaced with the lcSequence2 element. It was originally intended provide the position of a sequence option in a sequence.
Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
+ topic/data learningInteractionBase-d/data learning-d/lcSequence
Example 574. Example

<lcSequencing id="sequencing">
<title>Sequencing City Populations in the U.S.</title>
<lcQuestion>Order the following U.S. cities according to population, from
largest to smallest.</lcQuestion>
<lcAnswerContent>Portland, Oregon</lcAnswerContent>
<lcSequence name="lcSequence" value="2"/>
<lcAnswerContent>Chicago, Illinois</lcAnswerContent>
<lcSequence name="lcSequence" value="1"/>
<lcAnswerContent>Portland, Maine</lcAnswerContent>
<lcSequence name="lcSequence" value="4"/>
<lcAnswerContent>Syracuse, New York</lcAnswerContent>
<lcSequence name="lcSequence" value="3"/>
<lcFeedbackIncorrect>No, try again, please. </lcFeedbackIncorrect>
<lcFeedbackCorrect>Very good.</lcFeedbackCorrect>
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group, outputclass, and the attributes defined below.
The name used to indicate this data. The default value for this attribute is "lcSequence".
value (REQUIRED)
The position of an option in a sequence of options. The value MUST be a number.