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The element lcTrueFalse was deprecated in DITA version 1.3. It was replaced with the lcTrueFalse2 element. It was originally intended to present the learner with two choices, one correct, the other incorrect, often presented as true/false or yes/no responses.
Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
+ topic/fig learningInteractionBase-d/lcInteractionBase learning-d/lcTrueFalse
Example 547. Example

<!--True - False Interaction -->
<lcTrueFalse id="tf1">
<title>True - False sun rising</title>
<lcQuestion>On Earth, the sun rises in the West and sets in the East.</lcQuestion>
<lcFeedbackIncorrect>No, look to the East.</lcFeedbackIncorrect>
<lcFeedbackCorrect>Yes, look to the East.</lcFeedbackCorrect>
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group (with a narrowed definition of id, given below) and outputclass.
Defines an ID by which the element can be referenced.