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Use a learningObjectMap to create standalone aggregations of learningContent together with its supporting plan, overview, summary, and assessments, according to the needs identified by the learning goals and objectives. Use the learningObjectMap to reference a single learningObject. Specializations of topicref elements that occur before the learningObject are intended to be resource-only references such as key definitions.
Description and Semantics
The learningObjectMap is a map specialization which supports the DITA learning and training Map domain. It is used to aggregate learningContent, together with its supporting files and assessments, into a single standalone map type.
Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
- map/map learningObjectMap/learningObjectMap
Example 498. Example
<learningObjectMap id="leaningObjectMap1">
<title>Sample learningObject map</title>
<learningPlanRef href="learningPlan.dita" scope="local"
type="learningPlan" format="dita"/>
<learningOverviewRef href="learningOverview.dita" scope="local"
type="learningOverview" format="dita"/>
<learningPreAssessmentRef href="learningPreAssessment.dita" scope="local"
type="learningPreAssessment" format="dita"/>
<learningContentRef href="learningContent.dita" scope="local"
type="learningContent" format="dita"/>
<learningPostAssessmentRef href="learningPostAssessment.dita" scope="local"
type="learningPostAssessment" format="dita"/>
<learningSummaryRef href="learningSummary.dita" scope="local"
type="learningSummary" format="dita"/>
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group (with a narrowed definition of id, given below), Attributes common to many map elements, Architectural attribute group, outputclass, and the attributes defined below. This element also uses type, scope, and format from Link relationship attribute group.
Allows an ID to be specified for the map. Note that maps do not require IDs (unlike topics), and the map ID is not included in references to elements within a map. This attribute is defined with the XML Data Type ID.
Identifies a location within another map document where this map will be anchored. Resolution of the map is deferred until the final step in the delivery of any rendered content. For example, anchorref="map1.ditamap#a1" allows the map with anchorref to be pulled into the location of the anchor point "a1" inside map1.ditamap when map1.ditamap is rendered for delivery.
An identifying title for the map. May be used or ignored, depending on the capabilities of the display mechanism. Note that beginning with DITA 1.1, the map can include a title element, which is preferred over the title attribute.