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The refbodydiv element is similar to the bodydiv element in that it provides an informal container for content that might be grouped within a reference. Reference topics place many restrictions on their content compared to generic topics; the refbodydiv element maintains these restrictions by only allowing elements that are already available within the body of a reference. There are no additional semantics attached to the refbodydiv element; it is purely a grouping element provided to help organize content.
The refbodydiv element can nest itself, which means that it can be specialized to create structured information within a specialized reference topic. Another common use case for the refbodydiv element is to group a sequence of related elements for reuse, so that another topic can reference the entire set with a single conref attribute.
Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
- topic/bodydiv reference/refbodydiv
Example 270. Example
<reference id="sample-refbodydiv" xml:lang="en">
<title>Sample for refbody</title>
<shortdesc>This shows how refbodydiv might be used.</shortdesc>
<refbodydiv id="widget1">
<section>This is one part of the sample</section>
<refsyn>Syntax for this part</refsyn>
<refbodydiv id="widget2">
<section>This is another part of the sample</section>
<refsyn>Syntax for this part</refsyn>
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group and outputclass.