// Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Quadralay Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ePublisher 2019.2 // // Page // var Page = { 'window': window, 'onload_handled': false, 'loading': true, 'height': 0, 'socialized': false }; Page.KnownParcelURL = function (param_url) { 'use strict'; var result; result = Parcels.KnownParcelURL(Page.connect_info.parcel_prefixes, param_url); return result; }; Page.KnownParcelBaggageURL = function (param_url) { 'use strict'; var result; result = Parcels.KnownParcelBaggageURL(Page.connect_info.parcel_prefixes, param_url); return result; }; Page.BackToTop = function () { 'use strict'; var data; // Request parent window to scroll to the desired position // data = { 'action': 'back_to_top' }; Message.Post(Page.window.parent, data, Page.window); }; Page.HandleToolbarLink = function (param_link) { 'use strict'; var result, behavior, data; result = true; if (typeof param_link.className === 'string') { // Determine handlers for button // for (behavior in Page.connect_info.button_behaviors) { if (typeof Page.connect_info.button_behaviors[behavior] === 'boolean') { if (Browser.ContainsClass(param_link.className, behavior)) { // Invoke handler // data = { 'action': 'handle_toolbar_link', 'behavior': behavior }; 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message = Page.connect_info.email_message.replace('$Location;', Page.window.location.href); if (Page.window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') !== -1) { subject = subject.replace('#', '%23'); message = message.replace('#', '%23'); } if (subject.length > 65) { subject = subject.substring(0, 62) + '...'; } mailto = 'mailto:' + Page.connect_info.email + '?subject=' + Browser.EncodeURIComponentIfNotEncoded(subject) + '&body=' + Browser.EncodeURIComponentIfNotEncoded(message); link.href = mailto; } else if (Browser.ContainsClass(link.className, 'ww_behavior_dropdown_toggle') && !Browser.ContainsClass(link.className, 'ww_skin_dropdown_toggle_disabled')) { link.onclick = ShowAll_Toggle; } else if (Browser.SameHierarchy(Page.connect_info.base_url, link.href)) { // Verify parcel is known // if (Page.KnownParcelURL(link.href)) { // Parcel is known // link.onclick = Page.InterceptLink; } else { // Unknown parcel // if (Page.preserve_unknown_file_links) { // Replace current window // if (!link.target) { link.target = Page.connect_info.target; 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}); } }); // On click handlers for Related Topics // Browser.ApplyToChildElementsWithTagName(Page.window.document.body, 'dd', function (param_dd_element) { var decorate_onclick; // Related Topic entry? // decorate_onclick = false; if (Browser.ContainsClass(param_dd_element.className, 'Related_Topics_Entry')) { decorate_onclick = true; } if (decorate_onclick) { // Add onclick to all parent elements of the link // Browser.ApplyToChildElementsWithTagName(param_dd_element, 'a', function (param_anchor_element) { var parent_element; parent_element = param_anchor_element; while (parent_element !== param_dd_element.parentNode) { parent_element = parent_element.parentNode; parent_element.onclick = Page.HandleOnClickAsNestedAnchor; } }); } }); } }; Page.GetPrevNext = function (param_document, param_prevnext) { 'use strict'; var result, link_href; try { link_href = Browser.GetLinkRelHREF(param_document, param_prevnext); if ((link_href !== '') && (link_href !== '#')) { // Ensure link is fully resolved // (workaround IE's compatibility view) // result = Browser.ResolveURL(param_document.location.href, link_href); } } catch (ignore) { // Ignore all errors! // } return result; }; Page.SearchQueryHighlight = function (param_search_query, param_search_synonyms) { 'use strict'; var expressions, require_whitespace, html_elements, nodes_to_expand, first_node_to_expand, node_to_expand, dropdown_element; // Remove highlights // Highlight.RemoveFromDocument(Page.window.document, 'Search_Result_Highlight'); // Highlight words // if (param_search_query !== undefined) { // Convert search query into expressions // expressions = SearchClient.SearchQueryToExpressions(param_search_query, param_search_synonyms); // Track nodes for possible expansion // nodes_to_expand = []; // Apply highlights // require_whitespace = true; html_elements = Page.window.document.getElementsByTagName('html'); if (html_elements.length > 0) { require_whitespace = (html_elements[0].getAttribute('data-highlight-require-whitespace') === 'true'); } Highlight.ApplyToDocument(Page.window.document, 'Search_Result_Highlight', expressions, require_whitespace, function (param_node) { nodes_to_expand.push(param_node); }); // Track first node to highlight // first_node_to_expand = (nodes_to_expand.length > 0) ? nodes_to_expand[0] : null; // Expand nodes // while (nodes_to_expand.length > 0) { node_to_expand = nodes_to_expand.pop(); // Inside dropdown? // dropdown_element = Page.InsideCollapsedDropdown(node_to_expand); if (dropdown_element !== undefined) { Page.RevealDropdownContent(dropdown_element); } } // Scroll to first highlighted node // if (first_node_to_expand !== null) { Page.first_highlight_element = first_node_to_expand; Page.ScrollElementIntoView(first_node_to_expand); } } }; Page.InsideCollapsedDropdown = function (param_node) { 'use strict'; var result, current_node; result = undefined; current_node = param_node; while ((result === undefined) && (current_node !== undefined) && (current_node !== null)) { if (Browser.ContainsClass(current_node.className, 'ww_skin_page_dropdown_div_collapsed')) { result = current_node; } current_node = current_node.parentNode; } return result; }; Page.RevealDropdownContent = function (param_dropdown_element) { 'use strict'; var dropdown_id_suffix_index, dropdown_id; // Expand dropdown // dropdown_id_suffix_index = param_dropdown_element.id.lastIndexOf(':dd'); if (dropdown_id_suffix_index === (param_dropdown_element.id.length - 3)) { dropdown_id = param_dropdown_element.id.substring(0, dropdown_id_suffix_index); WebWorks_ToggleDIV(dropdown_id); } }; Page.Listen = function (param_event) { 'use strict'; if (Page.dispatch === undefined) { Page.dispatch = { 'update_hash': function (param_data) { var data; // Update hash // if (Page.window.document.location.hash === param_data.hash) { // Hash is the same, still need to scroll // var element; try { element = document.querySelector(param_data.hash); if (element) { Page.ScrollElementIntoView(element); } } catch (ignore) { // ignore } } else { // Scroll will happen upon hash assignment Page.window.document.location.hash = param_data.hash; } // Page bookkeeping // data = { 'action': 'page_bookkeeping', 'href': Page.window.document.location.href, 'hash': Page.window.document.location.hash }; Message.Post(Page.window.parent, data, Page.window); }, 'update_anchors': function (param_data) { Page.connect_info = param_data; Page.UpdateAnchors(Page.window.document); }, 'page_set_max_width': function (param_data) { var data; // Set max width and overflow // if (Page.window.document.body.style.maxWidth !== param_data.max_width) { Page.window.document.body.style.maxWidth = param_data.max_width; if (Page.css_rule_overflow !== undefined) { Page.css_rule_overflow.style.overflowX = param_data.overflow; } } // Notify // data = { 'action': 'notify_page_max_width_set' }; Message.Post(Page.window.parent, data, Page.window); }, 'ww_behavior_print': function (param_data) { Page.window.print(); }, 'ww_behavior_pdf': function (param_data) { var pdf_link, links, index, link, data; // Find PDF link // pdf_link = null; links = Page.window.document.body.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (index = 0; index < links.length; index += 1) { link = links[index]; if ((Browser.ContainsClass(link.className, 'ww_behavior_pdf')) && (link.href !== undefined) && (link.href.length > 0)) { // Found our link! // pdf_link = link; break; } } // PDF link found? // if (pdf_link !== null) { // Display link // data = { 'action': 'display_link', 'href': pdf_link.href, 'target': pdf_link.target }; Message.Post(Page.window.parent, data, Page.window); } }, 'page_socialize': function (param_data) { var social_links_div, twitter_anchor, twitter_href, twitter_span, twitter_iframe, facebook_anchor, facebook_href, facebook_span, facebook_iframe, linkedin_anchor, linkedin_href, linkedin_span, linkedin_script, first_script, google_anchor, google_href, google_span, google_script, disqus_div, disqus_script; // Handle file protocol // if (!Page.socialized && Page.window.document.location.protocol !== 'file:') { // Display social tools // social_links_div = Page.window.document.getElementById('social_links'); if (social_links_div !== null) { social_links_div.style.display = 'inline-block'; } // Twitter // if (social_links_div !== null) { twitter_anchor = Page.window.document.getElementById('social_twitter'); if (twitter_anchor !== null) { twitter_href = 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?source=webclient&url=' + encodeURI(Page.window.document.location.href); 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google_anchor.href = google_href; } } else { // Google +1 // google_span = Page.window.document.getElementById('social_google_plus1'); if (google_span !== null) { google_script = Page.window.document.createElement('script'); google_script.type = 'text/javascript'; google_script.async = true; google_script.src = 'https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js'; first_script = Page.window.document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; first_script.parentNode.insertBefore(google_script, first_script); } } // Disqus // if (param_data.disqus_id.length > 0) { disqus_div = Page.window.document.getElementById('disqus_thread'); if (disqus_div !== null) { disqus_script = Page.window.document.createElement('script'); disqus_script.type = 'text/javascript'; disqus_script.async = true; disqus_script.src = 'https://' + param_data.disqus_id + '.disqus.com/embed.js'; disqus_div.parentNode.appendChild(disqus_script); Page.disqus_div_height = disqus_div.scrollHeight; // set interval to check for disqus resizing // setInterval(function () { var disqus_height = disqus_div.scrollHeight; if (disqus_height !== Page.disqus_div_height) { Page.disqus_div_height = disqus_height; var data = { 'action': 'page_size', 'dimensions': Browser.GetWindowContentWidthHeight(Page.window) }; Message.Post(Page.window.parent, data, Page.window); } }, 100); } } Page.socialized = true; } }, 'page_globalize': function (param_data) { var google_translate_div, google_translate_script; // Google Translation // google_translate_div = Page.window.document.getElementById('google_translate_element'); if (google_translate_div !== null) { google_translate_script = Page.window.document.createElement('script'); google_translate_script.type = 'text/javascript'; google_translate_script.async = true; google_translate_script.src = '//translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit'; google_translate_div.appendChild(google_translate_script); } }, 'page_search_query_highlight': function (param_data) { Page.SearchQueryHighlight(param_data.search_query, param_data.search_synonyms); }, 'back_to_top': function (param_data) { // Scroll page to desired position // Page.BackToTop(); }, 'page_assign': function (param_data) { // Assign new location to this page // Page.window.document.location.assign(param_data.href); }, 'page_replace': function (param_data) { // Replace new location to this page // and bypass history // Page.window.document.location.replace(param_data.href); }, 'page_load_data_complete': function (param_data) { // after the page is loaded we want to // scroll to the hash element if we can var element, scroll_position, data; try { element = document.querySelector(Page.window.document.location.hash); } catch (ignore) { // ignore } if (element) { scroll_position = Browser.GetElementScrollPosition(element); } else if (Page.first_highlight_element) { scroll_position = Browser.GetElementScrollPosition(Page.first_highlight_element); } else { scroll_position = { left: 0, top: 0 }; } // Request parent window to scroll to the desired position // data = { 'action': 'page_load_scroll', 'left': scroll_position.left, 'top': scroll_position.top }; Message.Post(Page.window.parent, data, Page.window); }, 'page_load_scroll_complete': function (param_data) { // safe to hook up events now // var data; Browser.TrackDocumentChanges(Page.window, Page.window.document, Page.ContentChanged); // Track hash changes // if ('onhashchange' in Page.window) { // Events are so nice! // Page.window.onhashchange = Page.HashChanged; } else { // Poll // Page.hash = Page.window.location.hash.substring(1); Page.poll_onhashchange = function () { var hash; hash = Page.window.location.hash.substring(1); if (hash !== Page.hash) { Page.hash = hash; Page.HashChanged(); } Page.window.setTimeout(Page.poll_onhashchange, 100); }; Page.window.setTimeout(Page.poll_onhashchange, 100); } Page.window.onresize = Page.ContentChanged; Page.loading = false; data = { 'action': 'page_load_complete' }; Message.Post(Page.window.parent, data, Page.window); } }; } try { // Dispatch // Page.dispatch[param_event.data.action](param_event.data); } catch (ignore) { // Keep on rolling // } }; Page.ScrollElementIntoView = function (param_element) { 'use strict'; var dropdown_element, scroll_position, data; // Inside dropdown? // dropdown_element = Page.InsideCollapsedDropdown(param_element); if (dropdown_element !== undefined) { Page.RevealDropdownContent(dropdown_element); } // Determine scroll position // scroll_position = Browser.GetElementScrollPosition(param_element); // Request parent window to scroll to the desired position // data = { 'action': 'page_scroll_view', 'left': scroll_position.left, 'top': scroll_position.top }; Message.Post(Page.window.parent, data, Page.window); }; Page.ContentChanged = function () { 'use strict'; if (!Page.loading) { var data; data = { 'action': 'page_size', 'dimensions': Browser.GetWindowContentWidthHeight(Page.window) }; Message.Post(Page.window.parent, data, Page.window); } return true; }; Page.HashChanged = function () { 'use strict'; var target_element_id, target_element; // Locate target element and update scroll position // target_element_id = (Page.window.location.hash.length > 1) ? Page.window.location.hash.substring(1) : ''; if (target_element_id.length > 0) { target_element = Page.window.document.getElementById(target_element_id); if (target_element !== null) { Page.ScrollElementIntoView(target_element); } else { Page.BackToTop(); } } else { Page.BackToTop(); } return true; }; Page.HandleOnClickAsNestedAnchor = function (param_event) { 'use strict'; var event, anchor_elements, data, anchor_element; // Access event // event = param_event || window.event; // Cancel event bubbling // event.cancelBubble = true; if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } // Locate anchor and process link // anchor_elements = this.getElementsByTagName('a'); if (anchor_elements.length > 0) { // Display link // anchor_element = anchor_elements[0]; if ((anchor_element.href !== undefined) && (anchor_element.href !== null) && (anchor_element.href !== '')) { data = { 'action': 'display_link', 'href': anchor_element.href, 'target': anchor_element.target }; Message.Post(Page.window.parent, data, Page.window); } } }; Page.SendHelpfulButtonClick = function (param_value) { 'use strict'; var data, helpful_rating_object, page_id; page_id = Page.window.document.body.id; helpful_rating_object = Browser.GetLocalStorageItem('page_helpful_rating'); if (helpful_rating_object !== null) { page_id = Page.window.document.body.id; if (!helpful_rating_object.hasOwnProperty(page_id) || helpful_rating_object[page_id] !== param_value) { helpful_rating_object[page_id] = param_value; try { Browser.UpdateLocalStorageItem('page_helpful_rating', helpful_rating_object); } catch (ignore) { helpful_rating_object = {}; helpful_rating_object[page_id] = param_value; Browser.DeleteLocalStorageItem('page_helpful_rating'); Browser.CreateLocalStorageItem('page_helpful_rating', helpful_rating_object); } Page.SetSelectedStateForHelpfulButton(param_value); data = { 'action': 'page_helpful_button_click', 'helpful': param_value, 'href': Page.window.document.location.href }; Message.Post(Page.window.parent, data, Page.window); } else { //do nothing } } }; Page.SendWindowClicked = function () { 'use strict'; var data; data = { 'action': 'page_clicked' }; Message.Post(Page.window.parent, data, Page.window); }; Page.OnUnload = function () { 'use strict'; var data; // Notify parent // data = { 'action': 'page_unload' }; Message.Post(Page.window.parent, data, Page.window); }; Page.OnLoad = function (param_event_or_redirect_url) { 'use strict'; var redirect_url, page_hash, content_widthheight, skin_stylesheet, stylesheets_index, stylesheet, css_rules, css_rules_index, css_rule, css_rule_selector_text, stylesheet_element, back_to_top_element, helpful_button, unhelpful_button, data, helpful_rating; if (Page.window === Page.window.top && Page.window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('bot/') === -1) { // Redirect // if (param_event_or_redirect_url !== undefined && typeof param_event_or_redirect_url === 'string') { redirect_url = param_event_or_redirect_url; if (Page.window.document.location.hash.length > 1) { // Sanitize and append it // page_hash = Page.window.document.location.hash.substring(1); page_hash = page_hash.replace(/[\\<>:;"']|%5C|%3C|%3E|%3A|%3B|%22|%27/gi, ''); redirect_url += '#' + page_hash; } Page.window.document.location.replace(redirect_url); } } else if (!Page.onload_handled) { // Page loading // // Handle onload event only once // Page.onload_handled = true; // Track unload // Page.window.onunload = Page.OnUnload; // Setup for listening // Message.Listen(Page.window, function (param_event) { Page.Listen(param_event); }); // Find overflow CSS rule // Page.css_rule_overflow = undefined; try { // Locate skin stylesheet // skin_stylesheet = undefined; for (stylesheets_index = 0; stylesheets_index < Page.window.document.styleSheets.length; stylesheets_index += 1) { stylesheet = Page.window.document.styleSheets[stylesheets_index]; // Avoid security exceptions if stylesheet on a different server // try { if ((typeof stylesheet.href === 'string') && (stylesheet.href.indexOf('skin.css') >= 0)) { skin_stylesheet = stylesheet; break; } } catch (ignore) { // Ignore // } } // Found skin stylesheet? // if (skin_stylesheet !== undefined) { css_rules = skin_stylesheet.cssRules; if (css_rules === undefined) { css_rules = skin_stylesheet.rules; } // Google Chrome bug? // // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=49001 // If the stylesheet and the HTML are both on local disk, this bug occurs // (i.e. you get a null stylesheet from document.styleSheets). // if (css_rules === undefined || css_rules === null) { // Dynamically create a new stylesheet // stylesheet_element = Page.window.document.createElement('style'); stylesheet_element.type = 'text/css'; Page.window.document.head.appendChild(stylesheet_element); stylesheet = window.document.styleSheets[Page.window.document.styleSheets.length - 1]; stylesheet.insertRule('.ww_skin_page_overflow { overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; min-width: 1px; }', stylesheet.cssRules.length); css_rules = stylesheet.cssRules; } // Find overflow rule // for (css_rules_index = 0; css_rules_index < css_rules.length; css_rules_index += 1) { css_rule = css_rules[css_rules_index]; css_rule_selector_text = css_rule.selectorText.toLowerCase(); // Handle IE 7,8 if (css_rule_selector_text === '.ww_skin_page_overflow') { Page.css_rule_overflow = css_rule; } } } } catch (ignore) { // Live without it // } // Hook up back to top // back_to_top_element = Page.window.document.getElementById('back_to_top'); if (back_to_top_element !== null) { back_to_top_element.onclick = Page.BackToTop; } var dropdown_toggle_button = document.getElementById("show_hide_all"); if (!!dropdown_toggle_button) { var dropdown_ids_element, dropdown_ids_string, dropdown_ids; dropdown_ids_element = document.getElementById('dropdown_ids'); dropdown_ids_string = dropdown_ids_element.innerText; if (!!dropdown_ids_string) { dropdown_ids = dropdown_ids_string.split(','); } else { dropdown_ids = []; } if (document.getElementById('ww_related_topics')) { dropdown_ids.push('ww_related_topics'); } Page.ShowAll = new ShowAll_Object(dropdown_ids); Page_Toggle_State(); } Browser.CreateLocalStorageItem('page_helpful_rating', {}); helpful_button = document.getElementById('helpful_thumbs_up'); 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