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The troubleshooting element is the top-level element for a troubleshooting topic. Troubleshooting topics begin with a description of a condition that the reader might want to correct, followed by one or more cause-remedy pairs. Each cause-remedy pair is a potential solution to the trouble described in the condition.
Troubleshooting topics represent the kind of information that users typically consult to fix a problem.
Content models
See appendix for information about this element in OASIS document type shells.
- topic/topic troubleshooting/troubleshooting
Example 281. Example

<troubleshooting id="resolve" xml:lang="en-us" >
<title>E247 - Memory fault has occured</title>
<shortdesc>The system has detected a problem in memory.
<p>The fault indicator flashes on the front panel, and
the error log contains the following message:
<msgph>E247 - Memory fault has occured</msgph></p>
<p>Transient memory fault.</p>
<responsibleParty>System administrator
<cmd>Reset the alarm</cmd>
<cmd>Monitor the system periodically to see whether
the alarm recurs</cmd>
<p>Recurring memory fault indicates possible problem
with the system memory board. Reseating the board
may fix the problem.</p>
<responsibleParty>Maintenance technician
<p>Reseating the system memory board did not fix
the problem. Replacing the board may fix the
<responsibleParty>Maintenance technician
The following attributes are available on this element: Universal attribute group (with a narrowed definition of id, given below), Architectural attribute group, and outputclass.
An anchor point. This ID is usually required as part of the href or conref syntax when cross referencing or reusing content within the topic; it also enables topicref elements in DITA maps to optionally reference a specific topic within a DITA document. This attribute is defined with the XML Data Type ID.