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To understand how ePublisher works, you should first understand some terminology. The following list defines several important product terms:
source document input formats
The types of source documents ePublisher processes, such as Markdown++, Adobe FrameMaker, Microsoft Word, and DITA-compliant XML files.
output formats
The types of output ePublisher can generate from your source documents. Each output format is a set of individual XSL transforms that process source documents to create the output. Quadralay provides many default output formats, such as WebWorks Reverb (1 & 2), WebWorks Help, HTML Help, Eclipse Help, Oracle Help, Sun JavaHelp, XML+XSL, Dynamic HTML, and many others. You can also create custom output formats. An output format is broken down into pipelines and stages.
format files
The files that define the output format and transforms. These files are stored in the Formats folder in the installation folder. You can override files to customize the transformation process and these override files are stored in a matching location within the project folder. When you save a Stationery, the override files are stored with the Stationery.
A complete set of processing rules and styles that define all aspects of the output. The Stationery can define multiple targets, and each target can be the same or different output format. Writers use the Stationery created by the Stationery designer when they create projects and generate output. Writers can also override some default settings in their projects, such as variable values and conditions.
Identifies the Stationery to use, the source documents to process, and the output format and target settings to override when generating output. A project can include multiple targets.
Defines a deliverable for the project, based on an output format. A project can have multiple targets and each target can be the same or different output format. All targets in a project share the Style Designer properties and options, but each target has its own target settings, such as variable values and company information.
The smallest discrete action possible in an output format, such as an XSL transform. ePublisher transforms source documents to a target by breaking the process into a series of steps, also known as stages. A stage is part of the transformation process that performs a specific action in the process. Stages are grouped into pipelines of related stages. In the future, non-XSL actions may also be possible. All stages define an output file type and zero or more input file types.
A set of stages that are run in sequence. Pipelines can have dependencies on other pipelines, which can ensure that required input files are created before a pipeline runs.
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Last modified date: 11/30/2021