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bool RequestedPipeline (string pipelineName)
Determine if 'pipelineName' has been scheduled for processing.
Name of the pipeline.
True if scheduled for processing, false otherwise.
Generate a given report only if specifically enabled in a project or a user has specifically requested that report.
<xsl:variable name="VarGenerateReportSetting" select="wwprojext:GetFormatSetting('report-filenames-generate', 'true') = 'true'" /> <xsl:variable name = "VarRequestedPipeline" select="wwenv:RequestedPipeline($GlobalPipelineName)" />
<xsl:variable name = "VarGenerateReport" select="($VarGenerateReportSetting) or ($VarRequestedPipeline)" />
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Last modified date: 10/14/2020