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XPathNodeIterator Execute (string commandLine)
Runs the command line.
XPathNodeIterator ExecuteCommand (string command [, string argument1, string argument2, string argument3, string argument4, string argument5, string argument6, string argument7, string argument8, string argument9, string argument10, string argument11, string argument12, string argument13, string argument14, string argument15, string argument16, string argument17, string argument18, string argument19, string argument20])
Runs the specified command formatted as a string with optional argument(s) using the current target's output directory as the working directory.
XPathNodeIterator ExecuteCommandNoReturn (string command)
Runs identical to ExecuteCommand (string command) with the exception that the stdout and stderr streams are not returned in the node set. Instead these are written to the Log directory in a file with the same base filename as the command.
XPathNodeIterator ExecuteCommandInDirectory (string directoryPath, string command [, string argument1, string argument2, string argument3, string argument4, string argument5, string argument6, string argument7, string argument8, string argument9, string argument10, string argument11, string argument12, string argument13, string argument14, string argument15, string argument16, string argument17, string argument18, string argument19, string argument20])
Runs the specified command formatted as a string with optional argument(s) using the specified directory as the working directory.
XPathNodeIterator ExecuteCommandInDirectoryWithTimeout (long timeoutInSeconds, string directoryPath, string command [, string argument1, string argument2, string argument3, string argument4, string argument5, string argument6, string argument7, string argument8, string argument9, string argument10, string argument11, string argument12, string argument13, string argument14, string argument15, string argument16, string argument17, string argument18, string argument19, string argument20])
Runs the specified command formatted as a string with optional argument(s) using the specified directory as the working directory.
XPathNodeIterator ExecuteCommandWithTimeout (long timeoutInSeconds, string command [, string argument1, string argument2, string argument3, string argument4, string argument5, string argument6, string argument7, string argument8, string argument9, string argument10, string argument11, string argument12, string argument13, string argument14, string argument15, string argument16, string argument17, string argument18, string argument19, string argument20])
Runs the specified command formatted as a string with optional argument(s) using the current target's output directory as the working directory.
XPathNodeIterator ExecuteInDirectory (string directoryPath, string commandLine)
Runs the command line in the specified working directory.
XPathNodeIterator ExecuteInDirectoryWithTimeout (long timeoutInSeconds, string directoryPath, string commandLine)
Runs the command line in the specified working directory.
XPathNodeIterator ExecuteProgramWithArguments (string program, string arguments)
Runs the specified program with arguments formatted as a string using the current target's output directory as the working directory.
XPathNodeIterator ExecuteProgramWithArgumentsInDirectory (string directoryPath, string program, string arguments)
Runs the specified program with arguments formatted as a string in the specified working directory.
XPathNodeIterator ExecuteProgramWithArgumentsInDirectoryWithTimeout (long timeoutInSeconds, string directoryPath, string program, string arguments)
Runs the specified program with arguments formatted as a string in the specified working directory.
XPathNodeIterator ExecuteProgramWithArgumentsWithTimeout (long timeoutInSeconds, string program, string arguments)
Runs the specified program with arguments formatted as a string using the current target's output directory as the working directory.
XPathNodeIterator ExecuteWithTimeout (long timeoutInSeconds, string commandLine)
Runs the command line.
Detailed Description
Allows XSL stylesheets to execute external programs and process results. Provides the return code, stdout, and stderr results from the running process.
<wwexec:Result version="1.0" retcode="-1">
  <wwexec:Stream name = "Output" >
    Standard output will show up here, aka stdout.
  <wwexec:Stream name = "Error" >
    Standard error will show up here, aka stderr.
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Last modified date: 10/14/2020