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Table Formats in FrameMaker
Table formats allow you to define standard tables and quickly apply those standards to tables in your source documents. When you define your table formats, be sure to consider the various types of tables you may need, such as with lines, without lines, checklists, and action/result tables. You can use a table without lines to layout content within an area on a page, such as a definition list with short terms. You can also create a table format for each indent position needed. For example, you can create a table format to use for tables within a bulleted list that is indented to align with the text of each bulleted list item.
ePublisher allows you to define how the header, footer, and main rows of a table appear in your generated output. To support these formatting properties, your tables must have each of these parts defined in your source documents. If a table does not have a header defined, ePublisher cannot apply the formatting defined for the header row.
ePublisher applies the paragraph and character formats you define for content within each cell. You can also configure ePublisher to ignore character formats in a table. You may need additional paragraph formats to use in tables, such as CellBody and CellBullet, so you can define the proper margins and appearance for your generated output. You cannot adjust paragraph formats to change their appearance when used within tables.
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Last modified date: 06/11/2024