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Markers in FrameMaker
FrameMaker uses markers to implement standard features, such as index entries and hypertext links. ePublisher recognizes these standard markers and uses them to implement these standard features in your generated output.
ePublisher projects also use custom marker types, paragraph formats, and character formats to define online features. You need to give the list of marker types and formats to the writers so they know how to implement each online feature. The writers use the markers and formats you create to define online features.
The Stationery defines the custom marker types, paragraph formats, and character formats. Markers with reserved names have their functions defined by default. You can use these default names, or you can create your own markers. To reduce complexity, use the default marker names, which are also used throughout the documentation. You can also use the format names defined in the documentation to reduce complexity. The following table lists the default custom marker types used to implement online features.
Marker Type
Specifies abbreviation alternate text for browsers to display for abbreviations such as SS# when a user hovers over the abbreviation in output. Screen readers also can read the abbreviation alternate text. Used in combination with the Abbreviation character format.
Specifies acronym alternate text for browsers to display for acronyms such as HTML when a user hovers over the acronym in output. Screen readers can also read the acronym alternate text. Used in combination with the Acronym character format.
Specifies the source of a quote using a fully qualified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) when a user hovers over the quote in output. Screen readers can also read the URI for the quote. Used in combination with the Citation character format.
Context Plugin
Specifies context plug-ins for Eclipse help systems. Other Eclipse plug-ins can use the context plug-in IDs to call the Eclipse help system. For more information, see Using Markers to Specify Context Plug-ins in Eclipse Help.
Marks the end of an expand/collapse section. Used in conjunction with an Expand/Collapse paragraph format.
Specifies the name of an output file for a page or an image.
Specifies a percentage to use to resize an image, such as 50 or 75 percent, in generated output.
Specifies the name of a graphic style defined in a project to apply to an image. This marker type is an internal marker type that is not displayed in Stationery Designer. You cannot create a marker type with a different name and assign it this functionality.
Specifies a link using the newlink and gotolink commands in Adobe FrameMaker. This marker type is a default Adobe FrameMaker marker type ePublisher automatically maps.
Specifies alternate text for an image.This text is added to the alt attribute of the img tag in the output. Screen readers use this text when you create accessible content.
Specifies alternate text for clickable regions in an image map. This text is added to the alt attribute of the img tag in the output. Screen readers use this text when you create accessible content.
Specifies the path to the file that contains the long description for an image. This text is added to the longdesc attribute of the img tag in the output. Screen readers read this description when you create accessible content.
Specifies that a long description is not required for an image, which bypasses this accessibility check for the image when you create accessible content.
Specifies the long description for an image. This text is added to the longdesc attribute of the img tag in the output. Screen readers read this description when you create accessible content.
Specifies the keywords to include in the meta tag for the topic. The meta tag improves searchability on the Web.
Specifies the name of a page style defined in the project to apply to a topic. This marker type is an internal marker type that is not displayed in Stationery Designer. You cannot create a marker type with a different name and assign it this functionality.
Specifies that ePublisher place the contents of the marker directly into the generated output without processing the content in any way. For example, you could use a PassThrough marker if you wanted to embed HTML code within your generated output.
Specifies the start of the content to include in a popup window. The content is displayed in a popup window when you hover over the link. When you click the link in some output formats, the topic where the popup text is stored, such as the glossary, is displayed.
Marks the end of the content to include in a popup window.
Specifies the start of the content to include in only a popup window. Browsers display the content in a popup window when you hover over or click the link.
No longer supported.
Specifies an internal identifier for a topic. SeeAlsoLink markers in other topics can list this identifier to create a link to this topic. Used in conjunction with a See Also paragraph format or character format.
Identifies an internal identifier from another topic to include in the list of See Also links in this topic. Used in conjunction with a See Also paragraph format or character format.
Specifies whether to display the target topics on a popup menu or in a window. By default, the links are displayed in the Topics Found window. To display a popup menu, set the value to menu. This marker type is supported only in HTML Help.
Specifies the name of the window defined in the .hhp file, such as TriPane or Main, that the topic opens in when the user clicks the link. This marker type is supported only in HTML Help.
Specifies an alternate text summary for a table, which is used when you create accessible content. This text is added to the summary attribute of the table tag in the output. Screen readers read this description when you create accessible content.
Specifies that a summary is not required for a table, which bypasses this accessibility check for that table.
Identifies the image to use as the table of contents icon for a topic in the HTML Help output format.
Identifies the image to use as the table of contents icon for a topic in the Sun JavaHelp output format.
Identifies the image to use as the table of contents icon for a topic in the Oracle Help output format.
Identifies the image to use as the table of contents icon for a topic in the WebWorks Help output format.
Specifies an internal identifier for a topic that can be used to create a context-sensitive link to that topic.
Specifies a topic description for a context-sensitive help topic in Eclipse help systems. For more information, see Using Markers to Specify Topic Descriptions for Context-Sensitive Help Topics in Eclipse Help.
Identifies a What Is This help internal identifier for creating context-sensitive What Is This field-level help for Microsoft HTML Help.
Specifies the name of the window defined in the help project that the topic should be displayed in. In Microsoft HTML Help, the window names are defined in the .hhp file. This marker type is supported in Microsoft HTML Help and Oracle Help.
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Last modified date: 06/11/2024