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Authoring Source Documents » Adobe FrameMaker » Working with Tables in FrameMaker » Creating Table Footer Rows in FrameMaker
Creating Table Footer Rows in FrameMaker
Most tables in Adobe FrameMaker source documents include footer rows, because by default Adobe FrameMaker allows you to quickly and easily specify the number of footer rows in a table when you create a table. However, if your tables do not have footer rows, consider creating footer rows in your source documents in order to quickly and easily specify the appearance that you want for your table footer rows in your generated output. For example, if you use footer rows in conjunction with header rows, you can specify one appearance for footer rows in your generated output, and then different appearances for header rows and table body rows in your generated output.
The following procedure provides an example of how to create table footer rows in Adobe FrameMaker source documents using unstructured Adobe FrameMaker 7.2. Steps for creating table footer rows in Adobe FrameMaker may be different in other versions of Adobe FrameMaker.
To create a table with a footer row in Adobe FrameMaker
1. In your Adobe FrameMaker source document, locate the table for which you want to create a table footer row.
2. Insert your cursor in the bottom row of the table.
3. On the Table menu, click Add Rows or Columns.
4. Click Add 1 Row.
5. Select To Footing from the list.
6. Click Add. Adobe FrameMaker inserts a footer row into the table.
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Last modified date: 06/11/2024