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Creating Popup Windows in FrameMaker
A popup window is a window that is smaller than standard windows and typically does not contain some of the standard window features such as tool bars or status bars. Popup windows display when users hover over or click on a link. The popup window closes automatically as soon as the users click somewhere else.
A typical use of popup windows is to display glossary terms. For example, in printed documentation, terms and definitions are typically grouped in a separate glossary document. However, in online content, you can display glossary definitions in popup windows. With glossary popup windows, users can choose whether or not they want to view the definition of a term.
You create popup windows by creating a link between the word or phrase in a topic and the content you want to display in the popup window. After you create the link, you then insert Popup markers or apply Popup paragraph styles to define the content you want to display in the popup window.
If the Stationery designer configured the Stationery to support popup windows using markers, you use the following Popup markers to create popup windows:
Specifies the start of the content to include in a popup window. The content displays in a popup window when users hover over or click on the link. In some output formats users can also view the content in a standard help topic window in addition to viewing the content in a popup window. For example, if you insert a Popup marker in front of a glossary definition, the glossary definition displays in both a popup window and in a glossary topic that contains the definition.
Specifies the end of the content to display in the popup window.
Specifies that the popup content displays only through a popup window. For example, if you insert a PopupOnly marker in front of a glossary definition, the glossary definition displays only in a popup window.
If the Stationery designer configured the Stationery to support popup windows using paragraph formats, you use the following paragraph formats to create popup windows:
Popup and Popup Append paragraph behaviors
Specifies that content displays both in popup windows and in standard help topics. You apply the Popup paragraph format to the first paragraph of content you want displayed in the popup window. If you have more than one paragraph of content you want to display, you apply the Popup Append format to the additional paragraphs.
For example, if you apply a glossary term and glossary definitions format for a glossary using the Popup and Popup Append format, the terms and definitions in your output display in both a popup window and in a glossary topic that contains the definitions.
Popup Only and Popup Only Append paragraph behaviors
Specifies that content displays only in popup windows. You apply the Popup Only paragraph format to the first paragraph of content you want displayed in the popup window. If you have more than one paragraph of content you want to display, you apply the Popup Only Append format to the additional paragraphs.
For example, if you apply a glossary term and glossary definition format for a glossary using the Popup Only and Popup Only Append paragraph format, the terms and definitions in your output display in only popup windows. The content is not displayed in an additional glossary topic that contains the definitions.
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Last modified date: 06/11/2024