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Modifying Conditions in Word
You can edit the name of the condition, specify whether you want the content to which you applied the condition hidden or displayed in Microsoft Word, and change the color assigned to a condition.
The following procedure provides an example of how to modify conditions in Microsoft Word source documents using Microsoft Word 2003. Steps for modifying conditions in Microsoft Word may be different in other versions of Microsoft Word.
To modify a condition in a Microsoft Word source document
1. In your Microsoft Word source document, on the WebWorks menu, click Conditions.
2. Select the condition you want to modify.
3. Click the Edit icon.
4. If you want to change the name of the condition, in the Type field, type a new name for the condition.
5. If you want the content the condition is applied to hidden in Microsoft Word, select the Hidden check box.
6. If you want the content the condition is applied to displayed in Microsoft Word, clear the Hidden check box.
7. If you want to change the color used to highlight the content to which the condition is applied, in the Highlight field, select a color from the drop-down list. Specifying a color for the condition allows you to more easily see the content the condition is applied to in your Microsoft Word source document.
8. Click OK.
9. Click OK again.
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Last modified date: 06/11/2024