Inheriting Style Properties and Options
Many elements of your online design may have similar properties or options. For example, paragraphs, bulleted list items, and numbered list items may all use the same font and vertical spacing. You may also identify elements that should use settings from your source documents. For example, you may want tables to use the size defined in your source files. Style Designer allows you to specify a precise value for a property, or you can specify from where a property inherits its value. When using inheritance for properties, you can specify the source of the inheritance using the following values:
Ignores all inheritance values and uses the value you specify for this property.
Do not emit
Excludes the property from the generated output for the selected style. This option can help you troubleshoot a design issue and determine which property or element is associated with the issue.
Inherit from style
Inherits the value for the property from the parent style. You can organize styles in a hierarchy and then use inherited properties to reduce maintenance costs for future changes. For example, if you have a Heading 1 and a Heading 2 style, you could make Heading 2 a child of Heading 1. If you select
Inherit <style name or target> property for a property of Heading 2, it inherits the value for that property from Heading 1. For more information, see
Organizing and Managing Styles.
Document paragraph style
Inherits the value for the property from the style definition in your source document. By choosing this option for a property, ePublisher uses the formatting from your source document for that property.
Document style catalog
Inherits the value for the property from the style definition in the source documents. When you select this option for a property, ePublisher uses the source document definition and ignores all manual changes made to the style in the source document.
Last modified date: 12/27/2024