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Modifying the Width, Height, and Positioning of an Image
ePublisher automatically transforms images in your source document into Web-ready formats. However, the size of your print image may not be appropriate for online delivery. ePublisher provides several ways to modify the size of your images for online delivery without affecting the original images.
If you know the exact dimensions you want to assign to an image, you can use the height and width properties of a graphic style. However, you are defining the dimensions of all images that use that graphic style. Unless you want all your images to be the same size, such as 150 pixels high and 275 pixels wide, this option is not the most effective way to modify the size of your images. For most situations, it is more efficient to define the maximum height and width for an image as opposed to assigning a fixed height and width. For more information, see Setting the Maximum Width and Height for Images and Modifying Image Size by Scale.
In most cases, you probably want to leave your images positioned as they are in your source documents. To visually enhance the layout and presentation of your online images, ePublisher allows you to set the position of any image according to CSS rules.
To set the width, height, and positioning of an image
1. Open your Stationery design project.
2. On the View menu, click Style Designer.
3. In Graphic Styles, select the graphic style you want to modify.
4. On the Properties tab, click HTML.
5. Specify the appropriate values for the width, height, and positioning properties.
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Last modified date: 06/11/2024