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Choosing an Image File Format and Quality Level
By default, if ePublisher needs to rasterize an image, it transforms the image in your source documents, regardless of what file format it is, to a Web-ready .jpg image. In some instances, you may want to use other image formats for online delivery. For example, .gif images can produce similar quality images as .jpg, but the file size is smaller. .gif images can also support transparent colors. You can also create .png images, which combine some of the better qualities of both .jpg and .gif.
If you select JPG in the Format options for a graphic style, you can specify the quality of the images. The quality level impacts both the visual aspects of your images and the size of the generated files. Higher-quality images require larger files, which require more time to download and display. The JPG Quality option does not affect .gif or .png images.
To choose the file format and quality for online images
1. Open your Stationery design project.
2. On the View menu, click Style Designer.
3. On the Project menu, click a target in the Active Target menu option that is an output format that supports this option.
4. In Graphic Styles, select the graphic style you want to modify.
5. On the Options tab, select a value for the Format option.
6. In the Output file extension field, specify the proper file extension based on the value you selected for the Format option, such as .jpg, .gif, or .png.
7. If you selected JPG in the Format option, in the JPG Quality field, specify the percentage value you want for your online images. A value of 100 creates the highest quality image that mimics your original image.
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Last modified date: 12/27/2024