Using Paragraph Styles To Create Popup Windows
You can define paragraph styles in your source documents to create popup windows. This approach avoids the need for markers, but you may need to create more styles in your source document templates. You can define both marker styles and paragraph styles to create different popup windows in your content.
To define paragraph styles for popup windows
1. Open your Stationery design project.
2. On the View menu, click Style Designer.
3. On the Project menu, click a target in the Active Target menu option that is an output format that supports this option.
4. In Paragraph Styles, select the paragraph style you want to define as the first paragraph of a popup window.
This paragraph style is applied only to the first paragraph of content that should be displayed in a popup window. If a popup window may contain more than one paragraph of content, you need to create a second paragraph style and apply it to all paragraphs following the first paragraph that should be displayed in the popup window.
5. On the Options tab, select the appropriate value for the Popup option, such as Define or Define with no output. For more information about this option, click Help.
6. Select the paragraph style you want to define as one of the paragraphs of a popup window that follows the first paragraph of the popup window.
7. On the Options tab, select the appropriate value for the Popup option, such as Append or Append with no output. For more information about this option, click Help.
Last modified date: 12/27/2024