Modifying the Appearance of the See Also Button
The properties you select for the paragraph style in Style Designer affect the text of the See Also button. In some output formats, you can modify the color of the See Also button background and borders. You must separately modify each button border. You can also modify each of the See Also button colors.
Note: To change the color of the See Also button, you modify the content.xsl
file. If you modify the content.xsl file, you will be responsible for maintaining your customizations to the file as needed each time you update your Stationery to work with a new version of ePublisher.
For more information about override files and locations, see
Stationery, Projects, and Overrides.
To change the color of the See Also button
1. If you want to override the processing for an output format, complete the following steps:
a. In your Stationery design project, on the View menu, click Format Override Directory.
b. Create the Formats\
folder in your project folder, where formattype is the name of the output format you want to override, such as WebWorks Help 5.0
2. If you want to override the processing for a target, complete the following steps:
a. In your Stationery design project, on the View menu, click Target Override Directory.
b. Create the Targets\
folder in your project folder, where targetname is the name of the target you want to override.
3. Copy the content.xsl
file from the following folder to the override folder you created within your project folder:
Program Files\WebWorks\ePublisher Designer\Formats\
4. Open the content.xsl
file you copied to your project override folder.
5. Find the following code section.
<html:table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" onclick="{$VarCargo/wwalinks:ALink[1]/@onClick}" summary="">
<html:td height="2" colspan="4" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></html:td>
<html:td width="2" height="2" background="{$Var_seertup}"></html:td>
<html:td width="2" height="2" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></html:td>
<html:td height="2" colspan="3" bgcolor="#EEEEEE"></html:td>
<html:td width="2" height="2" background="{$Var_seeright}"></html:td>
6. Modify the RGB color values in the bgcolor
attributes within this table to adjust the colors of the margins that form parts of the See Also button.
7. Save the content.xsl
8. Regenerate your project to review the changes.
Last modified date: 12/27/2024