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Defining the Default Index Settings
The index provides the user with a point-and-click resource for quickly navigating your online content. ePublisher generates the index by default for the available formats, using the native indexing features of the source document tool used to create the printed index.
The groups and order of index entries in your online index are determined through index entries defined in the source document, the locales.xml file in the ePublisher installation folder, and the output format display environment. The locales.xml file also defines the text that identifies See and See also style entries in your index. For more information about customizing the index appearance, see Modifying the Appearance of the Index in Dynamic HTML.
Depending on your output format, you can specify the file name for the generated index whether to generate the index. With the power of many full-text search engines, you may choose not to include an index in your generated output.
Note: If you selected the WebWorks Help or WebWorks Reverb output format, you must generate an index with the given file name. These options are predefined and cannot be changed.
To enable index generation in your online content
1. On the Project menu, select the Active Target you want to specify settings for.
2. On the Target menu, click Target Settings.
3. Set Generate index to Enabled.
4. If you want to change your index file name and your output format supports it, specify the new file name in Index filename.
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Last modified date: 12/27/2024