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Defining the Accessibility Report to Validate Content
Content that must be accessed by people with disabilities must conform to guidelines published by both the W3C and the United States government. These guidelines are intended to help authors produce accessible content. ePublisher helps you produce online content that conforms to the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG), Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1998, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
If you take certain steps in creating your source documents and setting up your project, your generated output is accessible through assistive technologies such as screen readers. When you generate your project, ePublisher can perform several checks to verify that you embedded information and conform to the accessibility standard in these areas:
*Alternate text for all images (ImageAltText marker)
*Alternate text for clickable regions in all image maps (ImageAreaAltText marker)
*Long descriptions for all images (ImageLongDescText and ImageLongDescByRef markers)
*Summaries for all tables (TableSummary marker)
Note: ePublisher does not check to ensure that you have provided expansion text for abbreviations or acronyms nor does it verify that you have included citation markers for quotations. You can use the AbbreviationTitle, AcronymTitle, and Citation markers to add this information to your content.
For more information about producing accessible content, and to check your content further for compliance, see the following Web sites:
ePublisher does not perform accessibility validation by default. You must enable accessibility validation of the content. ePublisher validates that all images and image maps have alternate text, all images have long descriptions, and all tables have summaries. You can choose which accessibility validation checks you want ePublisher to run.
Note: If you disable any of the accessibility validation checks, you cannot consider your content to be accessible or Section 508 compliant.
To define the accessibility report that validates online content for accessibility compliance
1. On the Project menu, select the Active Target you want to specify settings for.
2. On the Target menu, click Target Settings.
3. Set Generate accessibility report to Enabled.
4. If you want to exclude the alternate text check for images, disable Validate accessibility image alternate tags.
5. If you want to exclude the alternate text check for image maps, disable Validate accessibility image map alternate tags.
6. If you want to exclude the long description check for images, disable Validate accessibility image long descriptions.
7. If you want to exclude the summary check for tables, disable Validate accessibility table summaries.
When a project based on this Stationery is generated, the accessibility report is created with the information you selected to include in that report.
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Last modified date: 12/27/2024