. RGB value refers to the web standard hexadecimal notation for Red, Green, and Blue color values. RGB values can range from the lowest RGB value of 0
(hex #00
) to the highest value of 255
(hex #FF
). For example, the RGB hexidecimal notation for black is 000000
and white is FFFFFF
folder of your project. If this field does not list the background image you want, press F12
and verify the image is in the Files
folder for your project. Once you copy the image into the Files
folder, ePublisher displays it in the field list.Value | Description |
No repeat | Specifies that the background image does not repeat. |
Repeat | Specifies that the background image repeats. |
Repeat horizontally | Specifies that the background image repeats horizontally. |
Repeat vertically | Specifies that the background image repeats vertically. |
Value | Description |
Scroll | Scrolls the background image as the user scrolls through content. |
Fixed | Keeps the background image in a fixed location as the user scrolls through content. |
Value | Description |
Custom | The background image aligns in the table row based on the custom value entered and the unit of measure selected. Units of measure you can select include: percentage (%) of the line height, centimeters (cm), em unit (em), x-height (ex), inches (in), millimeters (mm), pica (pc), point sizes (pt), and pixels (px). For example, if you enter a value of 20 and select the percentage (%) unit of measure, the top left corner is considered 0 percent and the bottom right corner is 100 percent. So, ePublisher aligns the background image in a 20% value of the line-width. |
Left | The left side of the background image aligns with the leftmost side of the table row. |
Center | The center of the background image aligns with the center of the table row. |
Right | The right side of the background image aligns with the right of the table row. |
Value | Description |
Custom | The background image aligns on the table row based on the custom value entered and the unit of measure selected. Units of measure you can select include: percentage (%) of the line height, centimeters (cm), em unit (em), x-height (ex), inches (in), millimeters (mm), pica (pc), point sizes (pt), and pixels (px). For example, if you enter a value of 20 and select the percentage (%) unit of measure, the top left corner is considered 0 percent and the bottom right corner is 100 percent. So, ePublisher aligns the background image in a 20% value of the line-height. |
Top | The top of the background image aligns with the top of the tallest element on the table row. |
Center | The center of the background image aligns with the middle of the parent element bottom on the table row. |
Bottom | The bottom of the background image aligns with the lowest element on the table row. |
. RGB value refers to the web standard hexadecimal notation for Red, Green, and Blue color values. RGB values can range from the lowest RGB value of 0
(hex #00
) to the highest value of 255
(hex #FF
). For example, the RGB hexidecimal notation for black is 000000
and white is FFFFFF
folder of your project. If this field does not list the background image you want, press F12
and verify the image is in the Files
folder for your project. Once you copy the image into the Files
folder, ePublisher displays it in the field list.Value | Description |
No repeat | Specifies that the background image does not repeat. |
Repeat | Specifies that the background image repeats. |
Repeat horizontally | Specifies that the background image repeats horizontally. |
Repeat vertically | Specifies that the background image repeats vertically. |
Value | Description |
Scroll | Scrolls the background image as the user scrolls through content. |
Fixed | Keeps the background image in a fixed location as the user scrolls through content. |
Value | Description |
Custom | The alternate background image aligns in the table row based on the custom value entered and the unit of measure selected. Units of measure you can select include: percentage (%) of the line height, centimeters (cm), em unit (em), x-height (ex), inches (in), millimeters (mm), pica (pc), point sizes (pt), and pixels (px). For example, if you enter a value of 20 and select the percentage (%) unit of measure, the top left corner is considered 0 percent and the bottom right corner is 100 percent. So, ePublisher aligns the background image in a 20% value of the line-width. |
Left | The left side of the alternate background image aligns with the leftmost side of the table row. |
Center | The center of the alternate background image aligns with the center of the table row. |
Right | The right side of the alternate background image aligns with the right of the table row. |
Value | Description |
Custom | The alternate background image aligns on the table row based on the custom value entered and the unit of measure selected. Units of measure you can select include: percentage (%) of the line height, centimeters (cm), em units (em), x-height (ex), inches (in), millimeters (mm), picas (pc), point sizes (pt), and pixels (px). For example, if you enter a value of 20 and select the percentage (%) unit of measure, the top left corner is considered 0 percent and the bottom right corner is 100 percent. So, ePublisher aligns the background image in a 20% value of the line-height. |
Top | The top of the alternate background image aligns with the top of the tallest element on the table row. |
Center | The center of the alternate background image aligns with the middle of the parent element on the table row. |
Bottom | The bottom of the alternate background image aligns with the lowest element on the table row. |