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Border Properties
Borders are lines that you can draw around any or all of the four sides of a style. In terms of the CSS box model, increasing the padding for a style increases the space between the content and the border.
Not all browsers display border styles the same way. For example, some browsers may not differentiate dotted lines from solid lines. Various browsers and operating systems often display the size and spacing of the dots in a dotted line differently.
Specifies the border color. Select a color from the list or type the RGB value for the border, such as 000000. RGB value refers to the web standard hexadecimal notation for Red, Green, and Blue color values. RGB values can range from the lowest RGB value of 0 (hex #00) to the highest value of 255 (hex #FF). For example, the RGB hexidecimal notation for black is 000000 and white is FFFFFF.
This field sets the border color for an entire table, not borders around body rows. To set the border color for table body rows, select Body in the Table Styles properties and specify the border settings for body rows.
Specifies a border style, such as a dotted, dashed, or solid line.
Not all browsers display border styles the same way. For example, some browsers may not differentiate dotted lines from solid lines. Various browsers and operating systems often display the size and spacing of the dots in a dotted line differently.
Specifies a border width, such as a thick or thin border. Choose a value or set a custom width by selecting Custom, entering a value, and selecting the unit of measure. Units of measure you can select include: percentages (%) of the line height, centimeters (cm), em units (em), x-height (ex), inches (in), millimeters (mm), picas (pc), point sizes (pt), and pixels (px).
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Last modified date: 12/27/2024