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Text Properties
Specifies the color for the text. Select a color from the list or type the RGB value of the color, such as FFFFFF. RGB value refers to the web standard hexadecimal notation for Red, Green, and Blue color values. RGB values can range from the lowest RGB value of 0 (hex #00) to the highest value of 255 (hex #FF). For example, the RGB hexidecimal notation for black is 000000 and white is FFFFFF.
Specifies whether to display the text in a specific way regardless of how the text is in the source documents. You can transform the text to capitalize the first letter of each word, all upper case letters, or all lower case letters. To leave the text as it is in the source documents, select None.
White space 
Specifies how the browser displays white space, or extra spaces, within text. The values for this setting are defined as follows:
Specifies the browser ignores extra white space.
Specifies the browser preserves all white space. This setting indicates the browser acts as it does with the <pre> tag in HTML.
No wrap
Specifies the browser does not wrap text. The browser displays text on the same line until it encounters a <br> tag.
Word spacing 
Specifies the amount of space between words. This field allows you to adjust the kerning between words and defaults to Normal spacing. Set a custom spacing value by selecting Custom, entering a value, and selecting the unit of measure. Units of measure you can select include: percentages (%) of the line height, centimeters (cm), em units (em), x-height (ex), inches (in), millimeters (mm), picas (pc), point sizes (pt), and pixels (px). You can adjust the spacing within words with the Letter spacing field.
Letter spacing 
Specifies the amount of space between letters within a word. This field allows you to adjust the kerning within words and defaults to Normal spacing. Set a custom spacing value by selecting Custom, entering a value, and selecting the unit of measure. Units of measure you can select include: percentages (%) of the line height, centimeters (cm), em units (em), x-height (ex), inches (in), millimeters (mm), picas (pc), point sizes (pt), and pixels (px). You can adjust the spacing between words with the Word spacing field.
Line height 
Specifies the amount of space between each line within a paragraph. This spacing is also known as lettingor line height. This field defaults to Normal spacing between lines. Set a custom height value by selecting Custom, entering a value, and selecting the unit of measure. Units of measure you can select include: percentages (%) of the line height, centimeters (cm), em units (em), x-height (ex), inches (in), millimeters (mm), picas (pc), point sizes (pt), and pixels (px).
Underline style 
Specifies whether to display a line underneath a character or the text of a paragraph. The underline may go through the bottoms of letters that drop below the main letter line, such as lowercase g, p, and q, which can make reading the text more difficult.
Underline color 
Specifies the color of the line you choose to display underneath a character or the text of a paragraph. Select a color from the list or type the RGB value of the color, such as FFFFFF. RGB value refers to the web standard hexadecimal notation for Red, Green, and Blue color values. RGB values can range from the lowest RGB value of 0 (hex #00) to the highest value of 255 (hex #FF). For example, the RGB hexidecimal notation for black is 000000 and white is FFFFFF.
Overline style 
Specifies whether to display a line above a character or the text of a paragraph.
Line through style 
Specifies whether to display a line through the middle of a character or the text of a paragraph, also called a strike-through line.
Specifies whether the character or the text of a paragraph blinks or flashes. Keep in mind, blinking text can be difficult to read and distracting on a page, so use this feature sparingly.
Specifies the horizontal position for the character or the text of a paragraph. The values for this setting are defined as follows:
Aligns the character or paragraph based on the custom value entered and the unit of measure selected. Units of measure you can select include: percentage (%) of the line height, centimeters (cm), em unit (em), x-height (ex), inches (in), millimeters (mm), pica (pc), point sizes (pt), and pixels (px).
Aligns the left side of a paragraph with the left margin of the layout.
Aligns the center of a paragraph with the center of the layout.
Aligns the right side of the paragraph with the far right margin of the layout.
Aligns a paragraph of text along both the left and right margins. In justified text, the spaces between words and letters (kerning) is stretched or sometimes compressed to make the text align with the left and right margins.
Specifies the vertical alignment for a character or the text of a paragraph. The values for this setting are defined as follows:
Aligns the paragraph or character on the baseline of the text line.
Aligns the paragraph or character as subscript.
Aligns the paragraph or character as superscript.
Aligns the paragraph or character with the top of the tallest item on the line.
Text Top
Aligns the paragraph or character with the top of the text line.
Aligns the paragraph or character with the middle of text line.
Aligns the paragraph or character with the bottom of the lowest item on the line.
Text Bottom
Aligns the paragraph or character with the bottom of the text font.
Specifies a custom indentation value for a paragraph. Enter the indentation value and select the unit of measure. Units of measure you can select include: percentage (%) of the line height, centimeters (cm), em unit (em), x-height (ex), inches (in), millimeters (mm), pica (pc), point sizes (pt), and pixels (px).
Specifies the direction the text should be read. This field works with the Unicode Bidi field to ensure the browser correctly displays your content. If unspecified, ePublisher sets the text direction as left-to-right by default.
If a document contains right-to-left characters, and if the browser can display the language with the proper character set, the browser must apply the bidirectional algorithm. If you prefer to control the handling of a particular phrase, you can apply a character style to that phrase and then define the character style with the Direction and Unicode Bidi fields.
Unicode Bidi 
Specifies the bidrectional aspect to use when there are some characters in the text within a single paragraph that can be read from left to right, while other text within the paragraph can be read from right to left. In some documents, such as those written with the Arabic or Hebrew script, and in some mixed-language contexts, text within a single paragraph may appear with mixed directionality. This phenomenon is called bidirectionality, or bidi for short.
If a document contains right-to-left characters, and if the browser is able to display the language with the proper character set, the browser must apply the bidirectional algorithm. The proper character set means to not display arbitrary substitutes such as a question mark, a hex code, or a black box for some characters,
This property allows you to display text within a single paragraph with mixed directionality. The values for this property are defined as follows:
Allows implicit use of bidirectional.
Allows the Unicode-bidi algorithm to choose when it is appropriate to use the value specified for the Direction property. Only the specific text that is read in a different direction will be modified. The rest of the paragraph remains in its default direction.
Bidi override
Forces the characters to be displayed using the value specified for the Direction property. All text in the paragraph is modified to reflect a different direction, completely overriding any instructions to display the text in the default direction.
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Last modified date: 12/27/2024