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Character Styles Options
ePublisher provides many options to allow you to customize your content transformation process and implement the online features you need. For example, the options define table of contents levels, popup windows, and related topics, as well as many other features and behaviors.
Specifies that ePublisher provides alternate or expansion text for all abbreviations with the selected character format in your online output. This option is available only for character styles.
You must define an Abbreviation character format and an AbbreviationTitle marker to specify alternate text for abbreviations. The character format with this option enabled identifies the abbreviation in the generated output. The AbbreviationTitle marker defines the alternate text for the abbreviation. ePublisher adds the abbreviation alternate text you specify to the title attribute of the abbr tag in the output. When you hover over the abbreviation in the output file, a popup window displays the alternate or expansion text for the abbreviation.
Specifies that ePublisher provides alternate or definition text for all acronyms with the selected character format in your online output. This option is available only for character styles.
You must define an Acronym character format and an Acronym marker to specify alternate text for acronyms. The character format with this option enabled identifies the acronym in the generated output. The Acronym marker defines the alternate text for the acronym. ePublisher adds the acronym alternate text you specify to the title attribute of the acronym tag in the output. When you hover over the acronym in the output file, a popup window displays the alternate or definition text for the acronym.
Additional CSS classes 
Specifies an additional class name to include in the output class name for the selected style. This option is helpful if you are using a custom .css file. ePublisher supports this option only in output formats that support cascading style sheets. This option is available all styles except marker styles.
This option lets you specify other classes to add to the class statement in the generated output for the selected style. For example, if you have a class in your .css file called Red that defines the text color as red, you can specify Red in the Additional CSS classes option for each style you want to have red text. ePublisher adds this class to the class name in the generated output, such as classname=”sourcestylename Red”.
Specifies that ePublisher recognizes and formats the text with this style as quotation content. A citation is a reference or footnote to a book, article, or other material that specifies the source from which a quotation was borrowed. The citation for a quote enables users to go to a Web site that contains more information about the quote.
You must define a Citation paragraph or character format and a Citation marker to specify a URL citation. The paragraph or character format with this option enabled identifies the quote in the generated output. The Citation marker defines the URL for the Web site with more information. When you hover over the quote in the output file, a popup window displays the URL. This option is available only for paragraph and character styles.
Generate output 
Specifies whether the selected style is included in the generated output. This option is available for all styles except marker styles. By default. the Generate output option is set to Enabled so that all content is included in the output. If you select Disabled, the content with the selected style does not appear in the generated output.
Pass Through 
Specifies whether ePublisher should process the content with the selected character style applied or insert the content directly into your output without being transformed and coded for your output format. By default this option is disabled. If you enable this option, ePublisher does not process the content when generating output. For example, you can use this option to embed HTML code into your generated output.
See Also 
Defines See Also link functionality for the selected paragraph or character style. See Also links are associative links, also called Alinks, that identify other topics that may be of interest to the user of the current topic. These links use internal identifiers to define links and the browser builds the list dynamically based on the topics available when the user displays the links.
To create a See Also link as inline text without a button, create a unique character style and select the See Also option for that style.
To use a button to display See Also links, create a unique paragraph style, select the See Also option for that style, and type the See Also text on that paragraph. The paragraph style properties selected in Style Designer affect the text of the See Also button.
You must also define SeeAlsoLink and SeeAlsoKeyword markers. HTML Help also supports the SeeAlsoLinkDisplayType and SeeAlsoLinkWindowType markers. These markers allow you to change how the See Also links are displayed in HTML Help. See Also links are not supported by all output formats, such Dynamic HTML.
Specifies the name for a variable that ePublisher creates. ePublisher sets the value of the variable to the contents of the selected paragraph or character style. You can then use this variable in your page layout override Page.asp file.
For example, if you want to include a section name in a banner area at the top of each topic in that section, you can assign a variable for the paragraph style of the section name. Then, you can modify the override Page.asp file to include this variable value in the page layout where you want it. Each topic in a section use the section name for that section, until the next section name defined by the paragraph style changes the value for the next section of topics. To insert a variable in the override Page.asp file, insert the following code in the file, where variable is the name of the variable you specify in this option:
<div wwpage:content="wwvars:variable">replaced variable value</div>
After processing the Page.asp file for a topic where the variable value is User Information, ePublisher replaces this code with the following code in the output file:
<div>User Information</div>
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Last modified date: 12/27/2024