Table Styles Options
ePublisher provides many options to allow you to customize your content transformation process and implement the online features you need. For example, the options define table of contents levels, popup windows, and related topics, as well as many other features and behaviors.
Additional CSS classes
Specifies an additional class name to include in the output class name for the selected style. This option is helpful if you are using a custom .css
file. ePublisher supports this option only in output formats that support cascading style sheets. This option is available all styles except marker styles.
This option lets you specify other classes to add to the class statement in the generated output for the selected style. For example, if you have a class in your .css
file called Red
that defines the text color as red, you can specify Red
in the Additional CSS classes option for each style you want to have red text. ePublisher adds this class to the class name in the generated output, such as classname=”
sourcestylename Red”
Specifies whether to use the selected table style to define an expand/collapse section, also called a dropdown hotspot. Some output formats do not support expand/collapse sections.
You can configure the expand/collapse section to initially be hidden or shown. When the user clicks the dropdown hotspot, the content expands and collapses to allow the user to view more or less information. The expand/collapse content can include multiple paragraph and table styles. You can use the DropDownEnd marker to identify the end of the expand/collapse content. If you have a specific table style that always serves as the ending point for your expand/collapse content and is not included in the expand/collapse content, set this option for that table style to Break. By default, all table styles are included in the expand/collapse content. The values for this setting are defined as follows:
Value | Description |
Break | Specifies the table style is never included in expand/collapse content. A table style with this option set to Break ends the expand/collapse content section. |
Continue | Specifies the selected table style does not change the expand/collapse content output. If the selected paragraph style is within an expand/collapse content section, the Continue value directs ePublisher to include the content as part of the expand/collapse content. This value is the default for table styles. |
End | Allows the content to be inside the dropdown selection but it will signify the end of the droprdown similar to the behavior of a marker. |
Start open | Displays the content in the expand/collapse section when the page is initially displayed. The table with this option set provides the hotspot where the user can click to show or hide the expand/collapse content. This table style starts the expand/collapse section. |
Start closed | Hides the content in the expand/collapse section when the page is initially displayed. The table with this option set provides the hotspot where the user can click to show or hide the expand/collapse content. This table style starts the expand/collapse section. |
Emit table markup
Specifies whether the selected style includes all generated markup in the output.
First Table Cell Width
Specifies the width of the first cell of the table. Useful when working with tables where you only need to specify the width of the first column while allowing the other columns to flow naturally in the output. Typically this means that you would also disable the Use document cell widths option when enabling this option.
Generate output
Specifies whether the selected style is included in the generated output. This option is available for all styles except marker styles. By default. the Generate output option is set to Enabled so that all content is included in the output. If you select Disabled, the content with the selected style does not appear in the generated output.
Last Table Cell Width
Specifies the width of the last cell of the table. Useful when working with tables where you only need to specify the width of the last column while allowing the other columns to flow naturally in the output. Typically this means that you would also disable the Use document cell widths option when enabling this option.
Page break priority
Specifies how to handle page breaks for the selected paragraph style. This option specifies whether to create a new page starting with the selected paragraph style and allows you to avoid new pages with a heading and no content if two headings occur in a row in your source documents. The default value is None, which does not create a new page.
This option works with the
Page break handling format setting to give you complete control for how ePublisher handles page breaks. To access the
Page break handling format setting, click
Target Settings on the
Target menu. With the default
Page break handling format setting, to create a new page every time the selected paragraph style exists, select the highest priority level of
1. To create a new page only if the preceding paragraph did not create a new page, select a lower priority level of
2 through
5. For more information, see
Defining New Pages (Page Breaks).
Use % table cell widths
This option works similar to the Use document cell widths, except that it converts the specific dimensions into relative percentages thus overcoming the problem of changing the font size of the generated output.
Use document cell widths
Specifies whether ePublisher sets all cell widths for tables of the selected table style to the same values as defined in the source document. If you set this option to Disabled, ePublisher sets table cell widths based on the size of the viewer window.
If the font size for your online table text differs from your source documents, enabling the Use document cell widths option may not give you the desired results. For example, if fonts for online tables are larger than in your source documents, some of the table text may wrap in the cells in the generated output.
Last modified date: 12/27/2024