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Page Styles Options
ePublisher provides many options to allow you to customize your content transformation process and implement the online features you need. For example, the options define table of contents levels, popup windows, and related topics, as well as many other features and behaviors.
Additional CSS classes 
Specifies an additional class name to include in the output class name for the selected style. This option is helpful if you are using a custom .css file. ePublisher supports this option only in output formats that support cascading style sheets. This option is available all styles except marker styles.
This option lets you specify other classes to add to the class statement in the generated output for the selected style. For example, if you have a class in your .css file called Red that defines the text color as red, you can specify Red in the Additional CSS classes option for each style you want to have red text. ePublisher adds this class to the class name in the generated output, such as classname=”sourcestylename Red”.
Breadcrumbs shown at bottom of page 
Specifies whether to include breadcrumbs at the bottom of each page for the selected page style. Breadcrumbs form a linked path to show users the hierarchical location of the current topic in your online content. This clickable path steps you through the topics at the higher levels in the online organization of topics. This option is not available in some output types.
You can include breadcrumbs at the top of the page, at the bottom of the page, or both. The breadcrumb trail at the top of the output page is enabled by default.
Breadcrumbs shown at top of page 
Specifies whether to include breadcrumbs at the top of each page for the selected page style. Breadcrumbs form a linked path to show users the hierarchical location of the current topic in your online content. This clickable path steps you through the topics at the higher levels in the online organization of topics. This option is not available in some output types.
You can include breadcrumbs at the top of the page, at the bottom of the page, or both. The breadcrumb trail at the top of the output page is enabled by default.
Company info bottom alignment 
Specifies the alignment of the company information displayed at the bottom of each page for the selected page style. For example, you can align the company information to the left or to the right. To display the company information at the bottom, set the Company info displayed at bottom option to Enabled. This option is not available in some output types.
Company info displayed at bottom 
Specifies whether to display the company information at the bottom of pages with the selected page style. If you set this option to Enabled, ePublisher displays the information specified in the company-related format settings at the bottom of these pages. This option is not available in some output types.
Use the Company info bottom alignment option to adjust how ePublisher displays the company information. ePublisher does not display the company information in the Preview pane.
If you add a logo image to your project, ePublisher displays the logo next to your company contact information on the top or the bottom of your output pages.To include a company logo, you must first store the image file in the Files folder of your project.
Company info displayed at top 
Specifies whether to display the company information at the top of pages with the selected page style. If you set this option to Enabled, ePublisher displays the information specified in the company-related format settings at the top of these pages. This option is not available in some output types.
Use the Company info top alignment option to adjust how ePublisher displays the company information. ePublisher does not display the company information in the Preview pane.
If you add a logo image to your project, ePublisher displays the logo next to your company contact information on the top or the bottom of your output pages.To include a company logo, you must first store the image file in the Files folder of your project.
Company info top alignment 
Specifies the alignment of the company information displayed at the top of each page for the selected page style. For example, you can align the company information to the left or to the right. To display the company information at the top, set the Company info displayed at top option to Enabled. This option is not available in some output types.
Custom document css file 
Specifies the name of the custom .css file to include in each generated output file. You can use a custom .css file to modify the appearance of your content instead of using the Style Designer, or to augment the Style Designer settings. When you specify the name of the custom .css file in this option, ePublisher inserts the link tag within all HTML pages and links to the .css file specified. This option is available only for page styles.
You must store the custom .css file in the Files folder of your project for it to be recognized by ePublisher. If you use a subfolder within the Files folder for your .css file, click the Browse button next to the Custom document css file option to navigate to the subfolder. ePublisher populates this option with the correct path to the custom .css file.
Generate output 
Specifies whether the selected style is included in the generated output. This option is available for all styles except marker styles. By default. the Generate output option is set to Enabled so that all content is included in the output. If you select Disabled, the content with the selected style does not appear in the generated output.
Navigation links shown at bottom of page 
Specifies whether to display navigation links, also known as browse buttons, at the bottom of each page for the selected page style. The Navigation Alignment property for the page controls whether the navigation links are aligned to the left or right. To set the Navigation Alignment property, on the Properties tab, click Navigation. This option is not available in some output types.
Navigation links shown at top of page 
Specifies whether to display navigation links, also known as browse buttons, at the top of each page for the selected page style. The Navigation Alignment property for the page controls whether the navigation links are aligned to the left or right. To set the Navigation Alignment property, on the Properties tab, click Navigation. This option is not available in some output types.
Output file extension 
Specifies the file extension to use for output files. If you select a page style, specify a value such as .htm or .html for your output files. If you select a graphic style, specify a value that corresponds to the graphic file format you selected for the Format option, such as .jpg, .gif, or .png. This option is available only for graphic and page styles.
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Last modified date: 12/27/2024