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Marker Styles Options
ePublisher provides many options to allow you to customize your content transformation process and implement the online features you need. For example, the options define table of contents levels, popup windows, and related topics, as well as many other features and behaviors.
Marker type 
Specifies the function associated with the selected marker style. ePublisher defines default names for the marker styles to support selected features. For example, if you have a marker style named Filename, ePublisher sets this option to allow that marker to define file names for output files. These default associations automate ePublisher configuration. You can specify your own marker styles and assign the function for each marker style. This option is available only for marker styles. For more information, see Defining Marker Types.
Navigation title 
Specifies whether the selected marker type supports the Navigation title function. If you enable this option for a marker type, you can use the marker to specify alternate text to display in the table of contents for a topic. For example, if you have a topic that does not have a heading, such as a topic that contains just a table or chart, you can add a marker with this option enabled to that topic and specify the text you want to be displayed in the table of contents for that topic.
Search relevance weight 
Reverb allows you to add a Search relevance weight to your Marker Styles, giving you the opportunity to control the order of the Search Results, assigning to every word with that marker style the specified weight and then saved in the index file. The default value is 1.
The predefined values for this option are defined as follows (but you can define any integer value): Ignore, 1, 10, 20, 50 and 100. If you choose to Ignore it (which is going to be 0), it means that the style is not going to be shown in your results.
Specifies the name for a variable that ePublisher creates. ePublisher sets the value of the variable to the contents of the selected marker, paragraph or character style. You can then use this variable in your page layout override Page.asp file.
For example, if you want to include a section name in a banner area at the top of each topic in that section, you can assign a variable for the paragraph style of the section name. Then, you can modify the override Page.asp file to include this variable value in the page layout where you want it. Each topic in a section use the section name for that section, until the next section name defined by the paragraph style changes the value for the next section of topics. To insert a variable in the override Page.asp file, insert the following code in the file, where variable is the name of the variable you specify in this option:
<div wwpage:content="wwvars:variable">replaced variable value</div>
After processing the Page.asp file for a topic where the variable value is User Information, ePublisher replaces this code with the following code in the output file:
<div>User Information</div>
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Last modified date: 12/27/2024