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Designing Stationery » Target Settings Reference » Baggage Files Settings
Baggage Files Settings
These settings are only supported in the WebWorks Reverb output format. The settings in this category are defined as follows:
Baggage files info list 
Specifies the path (absolute or relative to the project) to the baggage files info list containing information related to the baggage files, like title and summary, as well as determining when not to index a baggage file.
Copy baggage file dependents 
Specifies whether you want to include in your output all the dependents of your HTML baggage files, such as images, CSS files, JS files, videos and audios.
Index baggage files 
Specifies whether you want to index baggage files linked to by your source documents.
Index external links 
Specifies whether you want to index external links and include those words in the corresponding index file.
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Last modified date: 12/27/2024