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Designing Stationery » Target Settings Reference » Cover Settings (eBook - ePUB 2.0)
Cover Settings (eBook - ePUB 2.0)
These settings apply only to the eBook - ePUB 2.0 output format. The settings in this category are defined as follows:
Cover page file name 
Specifies the name of the file that ePublisher generates for the eBook cover page.
Cover page image 
Specifies the image to display on your cover page in your output. Store the image file in the Files folder within your project. If you want to use an image on your cover page in the generated output, press F12 to open the Files folder and verify that the folder contains the cover page image you want to use in your generated output.
Cover page style 
Specifies the ePublisher page style to use for generating the cover page.
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Last modified date: 01/27/2022