Header Settings
Allows a header to be displayed across the top of the web page above the Reverb toolbar. Typically this area is reserved for company information and logos. Some header settings are provided that work with the Company Information settings and are dependent on them being set.
The settings in this category are defined as follows:
Generate header
Specifies whether to generate header.
Header logo
Specifies a header logo to be displayed. The logo gets its value from the Company name or Company logo image settings.
Header logo link address
Specifies header logo link address. Link address can inherit from the home page (splash page or first page in help set) or the Company webpage. In order for this setting to be displayed in the output, the target setting: Linked header logo must be enabled.
Header logo override
Specifies which image to use as the header logo. This setting will override the Header logo setting. Choose from the image files stored in the Files
folder within your project.
Linked header logo
Enables the Header logo link address to be displayed
Last modified date: 12/27/2024