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Designing Stationery » Target Settings Reference » Styles Settings (PDF - XSL-FO)
Styles Settings (PDF - XSL-FO)
These settings apply only to the PDF - XSL-FO output format. The settings in this category are defined as follows:
Content page style 
Specifies the ePublisher page style to use for generating all non-TOC and non-Index pages.
Index page style 
Specifies the ePublisher page style to use for generating the Index pages.
Index style prefix 
Specifies the prefix that will be used for the generated index style names such as: IXGroup, IX1, IX2, IX3. These styles correspond to paragraph styles that can be created in the ePublisher Style Designer.
Index title style 
Specifies the ePublisher paragraph style to use for the title of the generated index pages.
MiniTOC container style 
Specifies the ePublisher paragraph style to use for generating mini-TOC sections.
MiniTOC style 
Specifies the ePublisher paragraph style to use for generating mini-TOC paragraphs.
Related Topics Title Style 
Specifies the ePublisher paragraph style to use for the title of the generated related topics sections.
TOC page style 
Specifies the ePublisher page style to use for generating the TOC pages.
TOC style prefix 
Specifies the prefix that will be used for the generated TOC style names such as: TOC1, TOC2, TOC3, TOC4. These styles correspond to paragraph styles that can be created in the ePublisher Style Designer.
TOC title style 
Specifies the ePublisher paragraph style to use for the title of the generated TOC pages.
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Last modified date: 12/27/2024