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Designing Stationery » Target Settings Reference » Title Page Settings (PDF - XSL-FO)
Title Page Settings (PDF - XSL-FO)
These settings apply only to the PDF - XSL-FO output format. The settings in this category are defined as follows:
Generate Publish Date on Title Page 
Specifies whether or not to generate a publication date on the title page.
Generate Title Page 
Specifies whether or not to generate a title page.
Title Page Style 
Specifies the ePublisher page style to use for generating the title page.
Title Page title 
Specifies how the text of the title page title will be calculated. The following choices are available with the current installation of ePublisher:
This value is set via the ePublisher merge setting title of the given group or project. Merge setting titles are configured under the Merge Settings dialog. In the case of a PDF for a single document or ditamap, then this value is the top-level heading.
This value is set to the output generation date using the string formating specified in locales.xml.
No title will be generated.
Note: Project Variables and Style Variables can also be used in this setting.
Title Page Title style 
Specifies the ePublisher paragraph style to use for generating the title page’s title.
Title Page Sub-title 
Specifies how the text of the title page sub-title will be calculated. The following choices are available with the current installation of ePublisher:
This value is set via the ePublisher merge setting title of the given group or project. Merge setting titles are configured under the Merge Settings dialog. In the case of a PDF for a single document or ditamap, then this value is the top-level heading.
This value is set to the output generation date using the string formating specified in locales.xml.
No sub-title will be generated.
Note: Project Variables and Style Variables can also be used in this setting.
Title Page Sub-title style 
Specifies the ePublisher paragraph style to use for generating the title page’s sub-title.
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Last modified date: 12/27/2024