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FAQs » Frequently Asked Questions » What changed in Font Awesome version 5.15.4 from 4.7.x that impacts Reverb 2.0?
What changed in Font Awesome version 5.15.4 from 4.7.x that impacts Reverb 2.0?
The Font Awesome library included with ePublisher and used in the WebWorks Reverb 2.0 format was upgraded the 2021.1 version of ePublisher.
Most of the icons and glyphs used by WebWorks Reverb 2.0 look and function the same, however there are some differences to be aware of that may impact your own advanced customizations.
Three new classes were introduced: fas far fab
  • fas, which replaces fa is typically used to get the solid version of an icon. fa is backward compatible with fas and may not need to be changed in pre-existing implementations.
  • far is typically used to get the regular version of an icon, and is thinner and lighter than the fas version.
  • fab is used for icons that represent a brand, for example the Twitter icon.
Font Awesome Cheatsheet
Free to use icons can be found at:
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Last modified date: 02/15/2023