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FAQs » Frequently Asked Questions » How to supplement or replace Reverb Toolbar Group Tabs
How to supplement or replace Reverb Toolbar Group Tabs
Create an Advanced Customization of the file Connect.asp to add to or replace the Reverb Toolbar group tabs.
For example:
Reverb 2.0 Toolbar with Additional Tab
  1. Create Advanced Target Customization for Connect.asp.
  2. Locate HTML code for tabs by searching for toolbar-tabs in Connect.asp.
  3. Copy existing <li wwpage:replace="toolbar-tabs">..</li> element with sub-content to use as starting point for each new tab to create.
  4. Remove attribute wwpage:replace="toolbar-tabs" from your newly pasted elements. This attribute is only used to inject a list of the ePublisher project's group tabs into the output.
    • Note: If you want to remove the group tabs from the toolbar, remove the wwpage:replace="toolbar-tabs" from all tab <li> elements.
  5. Specify desired href destination, usually a context specifier with Topic Alias ID, such as: #context/<TOPIC ALIAS ID>.
  6. Specify desired title attribute to produce fly over text for your tab.
  7. Specify the text to appear on the tab itself.
  8. Optionally, add a target attribute to open page in a new window, which is required for destinations outside of the help set.
    • For example: <a target="_blank" href="#context/LandingPage2" title="Landing Page 2">
Example Reverb Toolbar Tab Code
<ul class="ww_skin_toolbar_tab_group">
  <li wwpage:replace="toolbar-tabs">
    <div class="ww_skin_toolbar_tab">
      <a href="connect/splash.html" title="Home">
    <div class="ww_skin_toolbar_tab">
      <a href="#context/LandingPage2" title="Another Tab">
        Another Tab
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Last modified date: 01/18/2023