Create an Advanced Customization of the file Connect.asp
to add to or replace the Reverb Toolbar group tabs.
For example:
Reverb 2.0 Toolbar with Additional Tab
Create Advanced Target Customization for Connect.asp
Locate HTML code for tabs by searching for toolbar-tabs
in Connect.asp
Copy existing <li wwpage:replace="toolbar-tabs">..</li>
element with sub-content to use as starting point for each new tab to create.
Remove attribute wwpage:replace="toolbar-tabs"
from your newly pasted elements. This attribute is only used to inject a list of the ePublisher project's group tabs into the output.
Specify desired href
destination, usually a context specifier with Topic Alias ID, such as: #context/<TOPIC ALIAS ID>
Specify desired title
attribute to produce fly over text for your tab.
Specify the text to appear on the tab itself.
Optionally, add a target attribute to open page in a new window, which is required for destinations outside of the help set.
Example Reverb Toolbar Tab Code
<ul class="ww_skin_toolbar_tab_group">
<li wwpage:replace="toolbar-tabs">
<div class="ww_skin_toolbar_tab">
<a href="connect/splash.html" title="Home">
<div class="ww_skin_toolbar_tab">
<a href="#context/LandingPage2" title="Another Tab">
Another Tab
Last modified date: 01/18/2023