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FAQs » Frequently Asked Questions » How do I set image horizontal alignment in ePublisher?
How do I set image horizontal alignment in ePublisher?
In ePublisher version 2022.1 and above, you can control the image alignment of a Graphic Style using the Style Designer to modify that style's property: HTML > Text > (Alignment) Horizontal.
Possible Horizontal Property Values
  • Left
  • Center
  • Right
Note: If your authoring environment supports assigning horizontal alignment, then that property will be inherited by the Graphic Style, which means the same alignment will be used in the generated output without having to explicitly set it in ePublisher's Style Designer.
Floating Image to Left or Right of Paragraph
To float an image style to the left or right of the paragraph that contains it, use the Style Designer to modify the graphic style properties as follows.
Graphic Style Property
HTML > Display
HTML > Float
Left or Right
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Last modified date: 02/10/2023