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FAQs » Frequently Asked Questions » How to use alternate DITA-OT installation with ePublisher
How to use alternate DITA-OT installation with ePublisher
Set the DITA_HOME environment variable and ePublisher will use that installation of the DITA Open Toolkit instead of the toolkits that it maintains in its installed location.
ePublisher doesn't require anything unique for its use of the DITA-OT, however, you may have your own custom plugins, in which case, this may be an easier way to maintain and use the DITA-OT with ePublisher.
  1. Set the environment variable DITA_HOME to the installation location of the DITA-OT that you are using. For example: C:\dita-ot-4.0.
  2. Make sure that your ePublisher project is configured to use the same version number (or closest) using the menu: Project > Project Settings.... Locate the the setting: Input Configurations > DITA Open Toolkit version.
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Last modified date: 01/18/2023