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Output Formats » Eclipse Help » Delivering Eclipse Help
Delivering Eclipse Help
You can provide a help system in Eclipse Help format either as a collection of individual files or in a single, compressed Java archive .jar file. A .jar file, similar to a .zip file, compresses and stores a collection of files.
When you generate output for your project, ePublisher creates the Output folder in your project folder, and then creates a folder in the Output folder for each generated target. Then, ePublisher creates a folder named for the project itself in the target folder. For example, when you generate output, ePublisher creates the following folder structure:
<Project Area>\<Project Name>\Output\<Target Name>\<Project Name>
In this folder structure, <Project Area> is the name of the ePublisher component you are using, such as ePublisher Express, <Project Name> is the name of your ePublisher project, and targetname is the name of your ePublisher target, such as Eclipse Help. To deliver your Eclipse Help generated output, you can provide the complete contents of the <Target Name>\<Project Name> folder to your Java application developers, and they can determine whether to deliver the .jar file or the individual files to application users.
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Last modified date: 11/30/2021