WebWorks Reverb 2.0
WebWorks Reverb 2.0 has many of the features found in WebWorks Help, and goes one step further by providing high-performance load times combined with optimal handling of the end-user’s device resolution. This means that users viewing this type of output on a mobile device will be able to view the files in a fast, light-weight manner that is optimal for lower resolutions and/or touch operated screens. Furthermore, users on a more traditional higher-resolution computer monitor will still have the same advantages offered by a complete online help system. In other words, Reverb adapts to the traits of the device that is doing the reading of the content. Additionally, the JavaScript code for WebWorks Reverb 2.0 has been written in an inline-safe manner, which makes the output even more secure on the web.
WebWorks Reverb 2.0 also offers a commenting and end-user feedback mechanism using the Disqus commenting and discussion platform. This platform is a leading solution on the Internet for comment handling and has no cost and provides automatic hosting of your end-users comments in a way that is transparent and effective.
Reverb also provides easy Google Analytics integration. Using Google Analytics in your web files will be very easy to configure with this format.
If you have end-users that require localized help files, WebWorks Reverb 2.0 offers a seamless integration with the Google Translate Element. This feature is very powerful and can be used instead of an expensive and burdensome set of translated files and help volumes, which requires a separate set of content for each language that you are supporting. Using WebWorks Reverb 2.0, you can now create instantaneously localized help volumes without any translation requirements and only one set of help files. For more information see
Google Translate Button.
Last modified date: 01/19/2022