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Output Formats » WebWorks Reverb 2.0 » Using Baggage Files
Using Baggage Files
Baggage files are PDF, HTML and ZIP files that are not part of the ePublisher source files to be converted. ePublisher makes this determination by examining the file extension. If the file extension matches one of the following listed below then it’s considered a baggage file.
In order to a file to be processed as a Baggage file ePublisher must know about it. This can be achieved in one of two ways.
(1) Any link from a source file being converted by ePublisher.
(2) Entry in the baggage file info list. For more information see Indexing Baggage Files and External URLs.
Baggage Files will be packaged within your Output folder.
Note: In Target Settings > Links > Baggage File Target, specify whether you want the link to open in the same browser window or in a different window.
Note: Set Target Settings > File Processing > Insert Mark of the Web (MOTW) = Disabled. Otherwise, the link will fail in Internet Explorer on the local file system. It will work in other browsers. It will work in IE on a web server.
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Last modified date: 01/19/2022