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Output Formats » WebWorks Reverb 2.0 » Using Baggage Files » Indexing Baggage Files and External URLs
Indexing Baggage Files and External URLs
With WebWorks Reverb 2.0, files can be indexed to produce as search results with the user’s help set. An indexable Baggage File in this context is any PDF or HTML file that is linked from a source document that will be included in the generated output for producing useful search results. For more detailed information on baggage files, see Targets.
Note: In order to determine what baggage files are indexed, ePublisher examines the file extension and if it matches one on the following then it will be indexed.
Baggage files are indexed in the same way that source documents are. Indexable baggage files will be indexed as long as the Index baggage files Target Setting is Enabled. External URLs will be downloaded & indexed as long as the Index external links Target Setting is Enabled.
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Last modified date: 01/19/2022